What's on in Foundation

Maths in Foundation
Students are certainly turning into mini mathematicians in Foundation! They have been exploring all things addition. First students created oral addition number stories where they started with a number of animals in a blue circle pond. More animals came to join them and with the help from a partner, they worked out how many animals were there altogether.
Students are also practising the strategy of counting on from the larger number to help them combine two numbers together to find the total. Hands on materials are so important to make and create our sums! Counters, cards, dominoes, tens frames and bead strings are some of the tools we use. Children also love playing lots of partner games where they practise their maths and have fun at the same time!
During literacy sessions we have been exploring different prepositions. These are words that show the position of our nouns! We transferred this knowledge into our maths when we created maps to show the journey that Rosie the chicken took around the farmyard in the classic story ‘Rosie’s Walk’.
The Olympics are also on and boy are we excited! We have been creating a giant column graph to record all of the medals that Australia has been winning. Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!