Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.



Week 4



This award is going to you for showing curiosity during our Discovery lesson last week. In Inquiry we have been learning about what it means to be a curious learner, and you displayed that when you set a challenge for yourself to build something tricky with some zoob blocks. I'm very proud of you, well done!



For displaying confidence and curiosity in Inquiry where she thought about what it takes to be an author and illustrator of books.  Misha was patient waiting for her turn with the writing materials, persistent as she continued to add details to her picture and story and inquisitive as she asked questions to help her make her writing better.  You are a wonderful role model of a curious learner, Misha.



For being a resilient learner  both in your social interactions and in your learning. You have shown resilience by bouncing back from challenging situations, not letting obstacles stop you from trying again. You come to school with a smile on your face and your commitment to coming to the carpet quickly and starting your work more promptly shows how much you have grown in your readiness to learn. Audrey, your determination and positive attitude are an inspiring example for the rest of the class. Keep shining brightly! 



For being a collaborative learner every week! Bella is a caring and supportive member of our classroom. She makes sure everyone feels included, safe and happy. We are so lucky to have such a positive and bubbly person in our class. Thank you, Bella!



For being a Collaborative Olympian during our SMDP Olympic Day rotations. Claire was engaged and performed with much confidence. She was focused on the activities and performed 100% with enthusiasm. Well Done Claire! 



For being a reflective learner during writing! When taking part our grammar in context narrative writing, Casey was able to problem solve independently and found new ways to create ideas so that he could write an engaging start to his narrative! Keep up the great learning skills Casey, you have been a superstar! 



For being a collaborative learner in Inquiry last week. You communicated and worked fairly with your partner to create your ‘Kindness Day’ Campaign video. Well done on engaging in your learning! Keep it up, Dut!



For being a curious learner who is eager to question and explore. In Inquiry, Aadith has been in control of his own learning by questioning to find answers to his questions. Well Done Aadith!



For being a resilient learner, in writing last week. You showed determination when planning your biography using the graphic organiser to set yourself up for success. Keep up the positive attitude and hard work to write a biography, Lam. 



For being a motivated learner, who sets themselves up for success by doing your best and a little bit more. For example, the way you applied your new understanding from our reading lessons, to uplevel your comprehension responses.  Keep up the positive attitude and learning habits Chhazakhai. 



For being a motivated learner.  You drive yourself to produce results of a high standard.  This is evident in everything you do, from performing in our school musical to writing a fantastic slam poem on Identity.  You are committed to doing your best and a little bit more and our school is all the better for it!  Great effort Manraj!

Week 5



This award is going to you for your curiosity during our math lessons on sharing equally last week. It was great to see you problem solving different ways that you could share an amount evenly between people and how you extended yourself by thinking about remainders. Well done Shanaya!



For being a collaborative learner who makes our classroom a safe space for learning and mistakes.  Grace gently encouraged others, listened to what they had to say and included them in group learnings. Thank you for your positive attitude and big smile everyday Grace, we are so lucky to have you in our class.



For being a motivated learner and demonstrating a great attitude towards school. Her consistent effort in every subject, attention during class and her remarkable improvement in writing have stood out. She approaches each task with enthusiasm and determination, especially when writing well-organised information reports. Her hard work and positive attitude are an inspiration to the rest of the class. Keep up the great work Naia!



For being a motivated learner this week, particularly during maths sessions. Kai was so engrossed in solving a challenging, open-ended maths question that he was able to find 20 possible answers to the question. Great job on being a driver of your learning Kai!



For being a creative learner this last week, you were focussed and driven to succeed during writing. You have mastered those tricky words and your work is beautifully presented. Well done Elijah! 



For being a collaborative learner who is consistently demonstrating what it means to be engaged in all areas of learning! Edna has been a leader on how to leave and enter the room respectfully, actively listen on the floor and collaborate in learning teams. I am so proud of your commitment to our learning community, you are a legend! 




For being a resilient learner who demonstrates a positive attitude when faced with learning challenges. She is a shining example of persistence and completing learning tasks to a high standard. Well Done Amelia. 



For being a resilient learner who has shown resilience when converting units of measurement. You never gave up and drove your learning and did not allow obstacles to stop you from completing your tasks. Keep up the good work, Ayva. 



For being a resilient learner, who sees challenges as learning opportunities. During class tasks, you seek clarification from your peers to support your understanding of more complex topics, and use modelled examples to self evaluate your work. A fantastic example is when you used the R.A.C.E strategy to uplevel your comprehension question responses. Keep up the fantastic work Lyndelle!



For being a creative learner, who drives her learning and approaches it with positivity and enthusiasm.  An example of this is how much energy you are putting into your roles for our musical!! You are able to see things from different perspectives and think outside the box.  Keep up the great effort Gabrielle!

Jane (Music)


For being a motivated learner who has learned all his lines for Kermit and who always gives 100% in his wonderful performance.

Lucas (Digital Tech)


For being an enthusiastic and motivated learner. River showed a positive attitude towards his learning by listening carefully to the learning intentions in order to complete the learning task. He also offered to help and support his classmates wherever he could. Thank you for your positive mindset this week!