Year 2/3 Steiner
Celebrating Learning
Year 2/3 Steiner
Celebrating Learning
Kii families,
It’s been another big couple of weeks in 2/3S!
In Talking the Talk, students have been learning about boundaries, consent, respect, naming body parts, safety networks, and bodily autonomy. We’ve had some really great conversations as a whole class during these lessons.
In Maths, 2/3S have continued to explore measurement, with a focus on calculating the area and perimeter of shapes and objects. We’ve been practising our 3- and 4-times tables and have explored the patterns they make using Waldorf multiplication circles and flowers.
In Literacy, we have focused on persuasive writing. Students have been learning to form an opinion and to support their thinking by expanding on their own reasoning. 2/3S have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to argue their cases against each other during sharing time!
3/4 Camp
The Grade 3’s and I had a fantastic time at camp this week. It was so beautiful to see them strengthen their relationships with each other and try activities outside of their comfort zones, such as the giant swing, archery, orienteering and zip lining. I am so proud of how they conducted themselves while representing TPS at Arrabri Camp.
"I loved the giant swing but I felt like you were going to die on the drop! The flying fox was fun and dramatic and I also loved archery. I nearly got a bullseye! At the river I fell in and I got very very muddy and someone's shoe floated away!" Rani
"I liked the damper because it was delicious. The flying fox was very fast and the ropes course was fun cos you got to work with partners." Ruby
I liked archery and mini golf. Sleeping was very bad cos people were talking and being silly but it was fun to share a room. I also liked damper making but the flying fox felt like you were going to crash into a tree at the end. Also Ga Ga Ball! Hide and seek in the redwoods was so fun. Solomon and I made a roof over one of the nests. " Felix
"I went on the giant swing and I went to the top. It was very fun but when they dropped me down, it was very scary!" Anouk
"I really enjoyed archery even though I missed the bullseye completely every time. It was fun to be there with friends and to wake up with them too. I also liked hide and seek in the forest." Flora
"I loved Ga Ga Ball because I was so good at it! The flying fox was fun because it was like a swing. Being with my friends in one cabin was super fun." Dante
"My favourite thing was the giant swing and the flying fox as well. It was just nice to have my mumma there too." Sol
A huge thank you to Bec and Cathy for volunteering their time to come along to camp with us! We all appreciated having you there so much!