
Term 3 Week 7

What's happening in the Japanese room....or should we say NEW room!!

Yes that is correct !  Our new space in the old admin building is completed and we have MOVED IN!!

Classes on Thursday and Friday this week were the first in the school to use our brand new shiny space. We are so excited to have a permanent room to use and decorate. Over the last week we have been moving things slowly in and are busily arranging the room to be an engaging learning space as well as look fabulous.

Once it is all set up, we will share some pictures in the newsletter.


Some of this term's learning so far....

Through the unit "What's the time Mr Wolf", the grade 1's and 2's have been learning how to ask and answer questions about the time in Japanese - "Nanji desu ka" and answering "

 "(number) ji desu". The students made their own clocks from paper plates with the kanji numbers attached and walked around the room, finding a partner to practise their questions and answers.

After practising our vocabulary, we went outside to play the old favourite game of "What's the time Mr. Wolf" entirely in Japanese (Ookami san, nanji desu ka).




Students  across the school have been working SO hard on their dancing and lines. They’re all looking forward to performing at the Arts Centre.

A few tickets still remain for both shows so get in quick!

Please refer to Sentral information surrounding student costumes and have them labelled and at school by next Wednesday 4th September!