Janelle Butler
ActingMiddle Sub-School Leader
Term 3 is well and truly underway. We are happy to see that the students are working hard in their classes and making good choices around the school. This term has been a busy one, with various activities for the Year 9 and 10 students. I look forward to working with the Year 9 and 10 students over the next three weeks.
Year 9 News
The Year 9 students have been very busy with careers week in Week 4. They have completed various modules, facilitated by staff from The Gordon, to help the students with their future planning. This, along with the students participating in careers and their course counselling, will allow the students to start thinking about the pathways that they would like to take, for their future career.
Weeks 5 and 6 also have some exciting activities that the Year 9 students will be taking part in. In week 5, the students will be participating in a full day Life Changer program, designed to, once again, help the students with their mental health and career pathways. In week 6, the Year 9 students have another full day program, with the Geelong Tertiary Futures Program. This is an exciting opportunity for the students to engage in education that provides and in-depth preview of a broad range of tertiary studies.
Year 10 News
The Year 10 careers week kicked off in Week 3. It was great to see so much engagement and participation from our Year 10 students. This week helped the students further decide on their pathways that will lead them to their future careers. The course counselling took place on Thursday and Friday, where most of the students were able to discuss what their future plans were. Students who were not able to attend should go and see the careers team or speak to the coordinator to book in a time.
Week 5 has an exciting guest speaker coming to speak to the Year 10 students. The Pat Cronin Presentation is all about empowering young people to stop violence. We are looking forwards to the students taking away some valuable strategies to put a stop to violence.
General News
The Middle School Beyond Boxing Program has been a huge success, with many positive reviews from the students that have participated, as well as the facilitators, developing the students social and mental wellbeing.
Week 4 was the Parent/Teacher Conferences. It was great to see so many families engaging positively and attending. If you were not able to make the Parent/Teacher Conferences, and you would like to know how your child is progressing in their classes, then you can contact the teacher directly.
Wednesday 21 August, there is a Professional Practice Day for staff at the school. This is a student free day.