Paul Dawson
2024 Key Dates
19-23 August | Children's Book Week |
21 August | Staff Professional Practice Day (no students required) |
28 August | Release of the next round of Progress Reports |
29 August | Curriculum Day - Student Free Day |
20 September | Last Day of term |
We have completed the first five weeks of term and are just finalising the subject selections for all students for 2025. It is pleasing to see the excitement building for students, and they see the independence they are now experiencing in their future decisions. These students are being guided through this process by the careers team, their teachers, and coordinators, and hopefully, they are seeking input from family and friends. It is a very exciting time when they are making choices around potential future careers.
Professional Practice Day
Next Wednesday 21 August, the College will be holding a Professional Practice Day. Students will not be required at school.
Professional Practice days provide teachers with release from their scheduled duties (all duties which would have been otherwise scheduled, including teaching) to focus on the improved delivery of high-quality teaching and learning.
The work undertaken on these days will be consistent with departmental and school priorities and selected from the following areas:
- planning
- preparation
- assessment of student learning
- collaboration
- curriculum development
- relevant professional development
- peer observation including feedback and reflection
Parent Teacher Conferences
It was pleasing to see so many parents engaged in meetings with their teachers. These conferences are a great opportunity for partnerships to be strengthened between students, parents and teachers on focusing on improving the learning outcomes for students. Feedback from staff was that they really appreciated the opportunity to engage with families and felt there has been an improvement in effort and attitude from certain students.
Staff Recruitment
I would like to welcome Rebecca Wynn, who will join the school next week as a beginning Maths teacher. The school looks forward to Rebecca joining the NGSC staff.
Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion survey - Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024.
We’re conducting a survey to find out what you think about our school, titled “Your School, Your Say”
Please take note of the following information:
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey, previously known as the Parent Opinion Survey, is an annual survey provided by the Department of Education and Training.
This year the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024.
This survey gives schools the opportunity to gather feedback from parents, caregivers, and guardians about our school community. Its purpose is to help schools understand how families perceive school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement.
The results of the survey will be used by our school to guide future planning and improvement efforts. Roughly 30 percent of parents will be selected to participate this year. All responses to the survey will be anonymous. If you are selected, the school will notify you and provide all the necessary information and support to complete the survey online at home or at school.
The survey will be conducted online, takes only 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones at any convenient time during the fieldwork period. It will also be available in languages other than English, including Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha), Hindi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Punjabi, and Greek.
Your family might be randomly chosen to take part in the Parent Opinion Survey this year. If you are selected, your opinion is important, so please take the time to complete the survey as honestly as possible. Your participation matters to our school community.
Thank you for your support. If parents, caregivers, or guardians have any questions or concerns regarding the Parent Opinion Survey, please feel free to contact the school and speak to Ms. Leanne Scarlett.
Scholarship Program - Year 7 intake 2024
I am delighted to inform you that the selection process for the Year 7 Scholarship Program has concluded, and we have reached out to the successful recipients, their families, and their respective primary schools. The calibre of candidates for our scholarship program was exceptional, making it a challenging task for the selection panel to make the final decision. I want to extend my congratulations to all the students who took part in the process.
The NGSC Scholarship Program recognizes the outstanding commitment of primary school students who have shown strong involvement in their school community. We seek exceptional young individuals who excel in various areas and possess personal qualities and values that will contribute to our school community.
This program also aims to acknowledge the remarkable achievements of children in our community by providing them with opportunities to experience our engaging curriculum through a variety of programs delivered by our exceptional teachers. The Year Scholarships hold a value of just under $5000 and will be presented to the recipients by myself at their respective primary school assemblies in the near future. The families and friends of the scholarship recipients will be invited to the presentation.
Lastly, I would like to extend my congratulations to the students who have been successful in gaining a scholarship for Year 7 and 8, and also to their respective primary schools for their unwavering support in guiding their students to achieve excellence.
I eagerly look forward to presenting these young scholars with their scholarships and celebrating their accomplishments with their families and the school community.
Academic Excellence - Lachlan Wright, Hamlyn Banks Primary School
The Academic Excellence Scholarship is available to students with an exemplary academic record who have demonstrated outstanding application and achievement in one or more of English, Mathematics or Science, together with a strong performance in general studies.
Student Leadership – Jack Francis, Manifold Heights Primary School and Athena Shrimpton, Herne Hill Primary School
The Student Leadership Scholarship is available to students who have demonstrated leadership skills. The successful applicant(s) will have excellent communication skills, display initiative, and have a passion to motivate, delegate, guide, and direct fellow students.
Community (Good Citizenship) - Ashton Mueller, Manifold Heights Primary School
The Community (Good Citizenship) Scholarship is available to students who have made a significant demonstrable contribution to their community. The successful applicant(s) will display a strong social conscience as well as an outstanding work ethic and behaviour.
Sporting Excellence - Ekansh Mehul Gaglani, South Geelong Primary School
The Sporting Excellence Scholarship is available to keen sportspersons who have shown outstanding aptitude and personal achievement in one or many sporting field(s).
The Arts - Kyra Muthreja, South Geelong Primary School
The Arts scholarship is available to students who have displayed excellence and shown commitment in one or more of the Arts areas (such as: Drama, Music, Dance or Visual Arts). Successful applicants should have a record of involvement in all aspects of primary school life in addition to artistic talent.