Principal's Report

Firstly, I have some very exciting baby news to announce. Our wonderful Deputy Principal and Learning Diversity Leader, Mrs Peggy McDonald, is expecting her third child in January. Peggy will take leave for the first half of 2025 and will return to St Finbar's mid-year. Naturally, Peggy's news means that there will be some temporary changes in leadership next year. We will let you know about these changes in due course.
Father's Day celebrations
We wish all the St Finbars' dads a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday. Hopefully, you will be thoroughly spoiled by your children this weekend. We're looking forward to celebrating all dads, uncles, grandfathers over the next few days at St Finbar's.
Our Father's Day stall is happening on Thursday and Friday this year for all those that would like to purchase something for their dad or another special male. You should have received a reminder SMS reminding you to bring up to $10 to purchase gifts.
Father's Day breakfast is also happening tomorrow morning, hopefully you managed to get your breakfast orders in. A big thank you to the Year 3 parents who have organised this.
Our annual Dad's Footy Match against St Joan of Arc is happening this Saturday. This is always a fun community day. Even if you're not directly involved in the footy, feel free to come down and join in the fun.
New psychologist
I'm happy to announce that our new psychologist, Michaela Hughes, has now started at St Finbar's. Michaela will be with us on Wednesdays. She does have some capacity to take on some new students at the moment, so if you feel that your child may benefit from meeting with Michaela, please reach out to either myself or Peggy McDonald and we will talk you through the process.
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
Our Student Led Conferences are fast approaching and will be held Tuesday 17th September and Wednesday 18th September from 2:15pm until 6:15pm.
The students in Years 3 to 6 participate in these conferences as well. Each conference begins with an opportunity for parents to speak privately with teachers. The students are then invited in to join the conference in order to talk about their learning, their goals and how they are working to achieve these goals.
You may click on the link here to book your time or use the QR code
MACSIS surveys
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year’s MACSSIS window is from Monday 2 September to Friday 20 September 2024.
On Monday, you will receive your log-in details for our MACSIS surveys. Last year we had 38 families respond, and we would love to see more participation this year. It is quite a lengthy survey but we do value the time that you put in to completing it.
Upcoming Book Fair
National AeroSchools Championships
We're excited to announce that all 17 of our Aerobics competitors have taken up the offer to compete in the Nationals on the Gold Coast on the 3rd and 4th October. This was a development that we didn't see coming when we first offered our students the opportunity to participate. To support our teams we are planning the following fundraising events.
Tuesday 10th Sept: Donations day. The participants will collect donations 8.20am onwards at school entrances. Our girls will pre-promote, then on the day, dance at lunchtime in the hall to any keen spectators, plus hold a 20min clinic with anyone that wishes to learn a few Aerobics sequences moves.
Thurs 12th Sept: Cake Stall from 3pm
Fri 13th Sept: Cake Stall from 3pm
2023 Annual Reports
Our 2023 Annual Report has now been finalised and published on our website.
It may be viewed here as well. You may be interested in the MACS Annual Report, which is also attached below.
Take care and God bless,
Michelle Hill