
Celebrations in Chapel


There have been many things to celebrate and thank God for in Chapel this term.  In Week 4 our Prep students celebrated their 100th day of school.  The day began with a special Junior Primary Chapel service, in which all the students were encouraged to “let their lights shine” as students of Lakeside College.


Last Week our College celebrated National Science week.  Some of our resident science enthusiasts shared in Chapel services about their love for science, and also how this is inspired by and shapes their relationship with God.  The Secondary students were blessed to hear from Nevil Schultz, and our Primary students heard from Year 10 student Jeremy.  Jeremy recently completed a project at the Zoo, and inspired the younger students as he shared about this, and the part that we can play in caring for God’s amazing creation through science.


This week our focus has been books, as we celebrate Book Week.  The Primary students got into the dress-ups early, as volunteers dressed in costumes that represented some of Chaplain Fiona’s favourite books.  We then reflected on how wonderful the Bible is, and the blessing it is that the same God who created the whole universe, has revealed himself to us through his word - the Bible.


It is wonderful to be able to celebrate all of these moments by giving thanks to God.


Chaplain Fiona