Calendar of Events
2024 Term Dates
Term 1 – 9 weeks
*Thursday 1st February - Thursday 28th March
Student Free Day - Pastoral Care Interviews Monday 26th February
Labour Day Monday 11th March
*Preps commence attending 5 days per week commencing Wednesday 20th March
Term 2 – 11 weeks
Tuesday 16th April - Friday 28th June
Student Free Day - Friday 26th April
College Closed - King’s Birthday Monday 10th June
Term 3 – 10 weeks
Tuesday 16th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4 – 9 weeks
*Tuesday 8th October - Friday 6th December
Student Free Day - Monday 4th November
College Closed - Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday 5th November
*Year 10 and Year 11 students finish two weeks after the final VCE exam with a date confirmed when 2024 VCE dates are released
Term 3
Week 7
- Mon 19/08/2024 - Year 7 Boys & Girls Basketball
- Mon 26/08/2024 - Primary School Incursion
- Mon 26/08/2024 - Prep - Year 3 Swimming Lessons
- Tue 27/08/2024 - Year 5&6 Hooptime
- Thu 29/08/2024 - Primary District Aths
- Fri 30/08/2024 - Father's Day Breakfast
- Fri 30/08/2024 - Father's Day Stall
- Fri 30/08/2024 - Secondary Well Being Day-Years 7-10
Week 8
- Mon 02/09/2024 to Fri 06/09/2024 - Year 8 Camp
- Mon 02/09/2024 - Prep - Year 3 Swimming Lessons
- Tue 03/09/2024 - Secondary Division Aths
- Tue 03/09/2024 - Prep Excursion
- Tue 03/09/2024 - Senior Girls Basketball
- Wed 04/09/2024 - Year 3 Excursion
- Thu 05/09/2024 - Year 7 Excursion
- Thu 05/09/2024 - 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - PTFA Meeting
Week 9
- Mon 09/09/2024 to Wed 11/09/2024 - Year 9 Camp
- Thu 12/09/2024 - Year 4 Excursion
- Fri 13/09/2024 - Year 9 Excursion
- Fri 13/09/2024 - PTFA Lunch order Day
Week 10
- Mon 16/09/2024 - Year 7 Excursion
- Wed 18/09/2024 - Primary Division Aths
- Fri 20/09/2024 - End of term 3 + End of term service (3PM finish)