Student Wellbeing

Upcoming Wellbeing events in Term 3:
- Headspace Transition (Year 6- September 2nd)
- R U Okay Day (September 12th)
- LifeChanger Program- Year 6 (September 12th)
- Buddies Program (Ongoing)
Wellbeing Structure in Term 3
Tegan will continue her role as our Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader. This role will be full time in Term 3.
Nicole will support our community in the Primary Wellbeing Officer role on Thursday and Fridays for the remainder of 2024.
Kimmie will support Wellbeing this Term, involving a variety of programs such as Hands On Learning, SPAIDES and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) groups. She will work within the Wellbeing team, supporting staff and students on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Please contact Tegan, Nicole or Kimmie if you require any Wellbeing support.
Healthy Schools Project:
Wellbeing Wagon!
This week we have introduced the 'Wellbeing Wagon' to the Courtyard at break times. We have a variety of activities in the wagon that we can enjoy during break time's including board games, sensory items, Duplo and toys. We have enjoyed playing with these things in the sunshine!
In Week 5, we celebrated 'Belonging' by completing a buddies session in which we made a school of fish. This was to remind us that we all 'swim' together. If you are passing through the 1/2 space, please take a look.
Bullying... No Way!
From August 12th-16th we had a large focus on Belonging and Bully prevention here at ETRPS. On Friday the 16th of August, we added a touch of purple be added to uniforms to promote belonging in our community. Check out the lovely 'touches of purple' our students added!
Bullying Fact Sheets:
SAFEMinds training is "a comprehensive professional learning and resource package that enhances the capacity of educators and school communities to; effectively identify children and young people with early signs of mental health concerns, implement school-based interventions and refer to other support services as needed."
This training presented information about the 'NIP it in the bud!' whole school approach to recognising and responding to early signs of Anxiety, Depression and emotional distress, communicated through self harm.
NIP it in the bud provided tools for us as educators to Notice, Inquire and Plan.
SAFEMinds: At Home provides parents and carers with information and resources to assist them to support their child and take appropriate action to reach out for support if they are concerned about their mental health and wellbeing.
Be You
Throughout 2024, ETRPS will be working alongside Be You to support the Mental Health and Wellbeing of our community.
Be You builds on the success and learnings from five existing programs aimed at promoting social and emotional health and wellbeing for children and young people in the education space: KidsMatter Early Childhood, KidsMatter Primary, MindMatters, Response Ability and headspace School Support. Be You is building on the evidence base and ten years of experience of these programs. These programs are now integrated into Be You – one single, national initiative delivered through early learning services, primary and secondary schools.
Through the partnership with Be You, staff will further develop knowledge about Mentally Healthy Communities and build our Mental Health Literacy understanding.
By way of introduction, at Fly2Health Victoria we fly experienced (no new grad) Speech Pathologists and OT's to Traralgon, Sale, Horsham, Swan Hill and Echuca every fortnight to serve participants of the NDIS and also private participants. If your school has NDIS participants that are unable to be seen in Echuca we have immediate availability for Speech and OT with our team. Our clinic in Echuca is based at the Echuca Neighbourhood House at 261 High St. We run the fortnightly clinic from 9am - 4pm every second Thursday (this Thursday the 18th of April).
If you are an NDIS participants waiting for this service, please send this online referral through and we can commence services immediately.
Please see below for further details.
Community Supports for our Parents
Taking a moment to offload, let go and be heard
Just having a chance to offload and let go of what is currently overwhelming us. Parentline is one of those supports. Connecting you with trained counsellors for a completely confidential conversation. Available 8am-Midnight 7 days a week.
Definitely a number worth keeping on the fridge!
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club continues to run every morning at the Centre from 8.35am to 8.50am. We are so grateful to Foodbank Vic and Moama Bakery who generously provide food items for our students to enjoy.
Anglicare Early Help Services at ETRS