Term Dates/Important Dates

2024 Term Dates
Term Dates 2024
Term 1- 29th January- 28th March
Term 2- 15th April- 28th June
Term 3- 15th July- 20th September
Term 4- 7th October- 20th December
Term 2
Monday 19th - Friday 23rd
-Book Week Dress Up Day - Friday 23rd
Wednesday 21st
-Campaspe Athletics forms and payment due 9/10 and 11/12yrs old
Monday 26th
-Book Club orders and money due
Tuesday 27th
-Campaspe Athletics 11/12 Yrs ( 9am - 3pm Victoria Park Oval )
Wednesday 28th
-Campaspe Athletics 9/10 Yrs ( 9am - 3pm Victoria Park Oval )
Thursday 29th
-Fathers Day Stall ( 9.15- 12noon, maximum of $10 per student)
Friday 30th
-Fathers Day/Special Persons Day ( Morning Tea- 10am in the Courtyard)
-Tea Towel orders due
Monday 2nd
-Transition Day Headspace (Echuca College Year 6 students)
Wednesday 4th
-Permission forms and payment due for year 3/4 Kookaburra Camp
Thursday 12th
-Year 6 Life Changer ( Incursion, 9am - 11am )
-R U OK Day
Tuesday 17- Wednesday 18th
-Year 3/4 Kookaburra Camp ( 8.15- 3pm)
Friday 20th
-Footy Colours Day
-Term 3 Ends- Finish at 1.30pm