From the 

Principal's Desk

Sheri Evans

As we venture beyond the halfway point of Term 2, I am delighted to share some key highlights and upcoming events with our school community.


Middle Leaders' Training and Development

This term, our middle leaders have been actively engaged in professional development to enhance their skills in building and leading effective teams. They have attended a series of workshops focused on leadership strategies, team dynamics, and fostering a collaborative school environment. 


These sessions have been instrumental in equipping our middle leaders with the tools and knowledge to support their colleagues and contribute to a positive and productive school culture. 


By investing in our middle leaders, we aim to ensure that every member of our teaching staff is empowered to deliver the best possible educational experience for our students. The skills and insights gained from these workshops will be shared across the school, benefiting both staff and students alike.


Cross Country Carnival

One of the most anticipated events of Term 2 is our annual Cross Country Carnival, which will take place in Week 8 (weather permitting). This event not only promotes physical fitness and healthy competition but also fosters a sense of community and school spirit. All students are encouraged to participate, whether they are running for the win or simply to have fun and support their peers.


Our Running Club on Thursday morning has been a huge success and very well attended. The Running Club runs from 8.00am to 8.30am on the school oval. Students wear a QR Code, and they scan their code for each lap they complete.  Our students have collectively run enough km to get to Adelaide and back, and we can’t wait to see if they can complete a full lap of Australia by the end of the term! We are deeply appreciative of the time that Mrs Bain and Mr Vinci donate to support this initiative.  We hope that those students involved in the Running Club will benefit from their increased fitness when competing in the Cross Country Carnival. 


Parents and guardians are welcome to join us at the Carnival to cheer on the participants. Please ensure your child comes prepared with appropriate sportswear, a hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the event.


Term 2 School Reports

The end of the term signifies the culmination of hard work and academic endeavours. I am pleased to announce that Semester 1 school reports will be issued on Wednesday 19 June 2024. These reports provide a comprehensive overview of each student’s progress and achievements across all subjects. Parents and guardians are encouraged to review these reports with their children, celebrate their successes, and discuss areas for improvement.


Teachers have put considerable effort into preparing these reports, ensuring they reflect each student’s individual growth and learning journey. I thank our teachers for their efforts and time in putting this information together. 


Should you have any questions or wish to discuss your child’s progress further, we will be holding a Parent / Teacher Interviews on Wednesday 26 June. You will shortly receive information about how to book an interview with your child’s teacher. 


Half Day School Closure

On Wednesday 26 June, we will be closing the school at 12.00pm to provide time for our parent teacher interviews in the afternoon. 


Camp Australia will be available for parents and carers who need this service in the afternoon. For more information about enrolling your child in Camp Australia, please see our website


Celebrating Our P&C Volunteers!

On the 24th of May, we proudly celebrated P&C Day, a special occasion dedicated to recognizing the invaluable contributions of our Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association volunteers. This day offers us a wonderful opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated parents, carers, and community members who work tirelessly to support our school.


Our P&C volunteers play an essential role in enriching the educational experiences of our students. From organizing fundraising events and coordinating school functions to advocate for improvements and provide valuable resources, their efforts directly impact our school’s success and foster a strong sense of community.


To each volunteer, we extend our deepest appreciation. Your generosity and commitment make a significant difference in the lives of our students and the overall wellbeing of our school community.


Our Student Leaders provided each member of the P&C with a note of appreciation or a small bag of goodies at Monday nights meeting. 


The P&C are always looking for new members, so please reach out if you would like to learn more about what the P&C does and how you can support them. 


Looking Ahead

As we look forward to the remainder of the term, I encourage all students to stay focused and continue putting in their best effort. Term 3 will bring new challenges and opportunities for growth, and I am confident that our students will rise to the occasion with enthusiasm and determination.


Thank you for your continued support in making our school a wonderful place to learn and grow.



  • A reminder that parents and carers should not use the staff car parks at Pine Tree Gully Road and Castlereagh Close. We have recently seen an increase in parents and carers using these car parks as a drop off zone.  We have also seen an increase in people walking through the car parks instead of using the paths provided. Please remember our student’s safety must be a priority and modelling safe pedestrian behaviours is of paramount importance. 
  • Students shouldn’t arrive at school before 8:15 am (unless they are participating in Camp Australia, Running Club or Music Lessons) as no teacher is officially on duty until then. A reminder that students should wait in the undercover area if they arrive before the classrooms open and are not permitted in school buildings or play equipment. 
  • Please remember that children and adults are not to ride scooters or bikes on the school grounds. Students who need repeated reminders of this school rule may lose their bike privileges.