Year 5 Report

Term 2 Issue 1  2024

Welcome back everyone to another busy, exciting Term. We hope you all had an enjoyable and safe break. 


This term in Reading we will be focusing on the skills and strategies that good readers use to help with decoding and comprehension. We have started the term with a focus on understanding the authors craft. When using this strategy students will evaluate and critique interesting features of text such as dialogue, word choice, illustrations and colour choice.  Just a reminder that students need to be reading for half an hour each night and write it in their diary. 



Our writing genre in Term 2 is fantasy fiction. We are currently working on the planning stage writing. Students have explored how different authors structured their narratives which will support student in planning their own original stories. We will work with students to choose topics of interest to them and work towards publishing their work for display at our Writer's Festival later in the term. 

During our Word Study sessions we will continue to focus on areas such as word choice, sentence structure and puctuation. 




We have started this term with a focus on measurement which includes perimeter and area and then moving on to time, volume and capacity. Students have refined their skills in reading rulers to the centimeter and millimeter accurately. They have applied their knowledge of addition to support them in efficiently adding the perimeter of squares, rectangles and compound shapes. When we focused on measuring the area of a shape we initially noticed and counted the square units. Students then learnt to use their knowledge of perimeter to use the formula Area= Length x Width to determine the square units of a shape.  We have used hands on materials, measured items within the classroom and digital activities to support our learning. 



The term 2 Inquiry topic is a continuing from Term 1. Students will further explore Government – Do I need them?  and focus on What is democracy? How is Australia governed? How do people have a say in how Australia is governed? How and why are rules made? How are they changed? As a class we will learn how a bill is passed by holding a class election to determine the class prime minister. Students will need to persuade their peers that they are the best candidates. The class will create a bill and learn how it is passed through the parliament house.  




  • School starts at 8.50am. We still have a lot of late comers. Being regularly late negatively affects learning.
  • Read each night for 30 minutes. Please record reading in students diaries so teachers can monitor the students reading.
  • May 6th - Grade 5 incursion Parliament house recreation 
  • June 3rd - Grade 5 excursion Parliament house