Around the School  - The Office, Library, Canteen!

Change to Office Staff

Our lovely Finance Officer, Natalie Squatrito, has moved on to a different position at another school.  While we are sorry to see Natalie leave, and wish her all the very best in her new position, we are pleased to welcome Anojah Sivapalan into the Finance Officer role.

Anojah joins the Administration Team with a range of finance experience.  More recently, Anojah has been working as an Education Support staff member at Roxburgh Park Primary, so has a familiarity with the school.  



A reminder that the year 3/4 camp will take place in August and 5/6 camp will be taking place in October.  Forms were sent home with students last term.  If your child wishes to attend camp, forms, along with a deposit, need to be returned as soon as possible.  There are only 55 places available on each camp, and places are filling quickly.  CSEF can be used towards the cost of the camp.


Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)

If you are eligible to receive CSEF, but not yet receiving it, time is running out for you to submit your application form.  Applications close on 28th June.  If you are unsure of whether you are receiving CSEF, please contact the office and we can check for you.


Application forms are available from the link below, or you can collect a hard copy of the from the office.


Mother's Day Stall

On Sunday, May 12, we celebrate Mother's Day.  It's a day to recognise the wonderful things our mothers do for us.  To help children and parents celebrate, there will be a Mother's Day stall held at school on Wednesday, May 8.  Please send your children to school with some money to purchase a gift for mum.  Gift prices range from $1:00 to $10:00.  Students who are absent on Wednesday, May 8, will be able to make a purchase on Thursday.


Mother's Day Breakfast

Staying with the recognition of Mother's Day, we will also be hosting a Mother's Day Breakfast on Wednesday, 15th May.  We would like to invite all our mums to join us in the small gym from 8:30 am till 8:50 am with their child.  We look forward to welcoming you to this event.