STEM Report
Hi everyone, welcome back to another term in the STEM room. Term 2 provides a great opportunity for students to consolidate their learning and further develop the skills that were introduced at the start of the year. Have a look below to see what each year level will be learning about.
Prep: This term, Prep students will be exploring the Physical Science topic titled, 'Rolling and Sliding'. They will investigate how the shape of an object affects its ability to move and develop their skills of observation when carrying out practical trials.
Grade 1/2: Term 2 will see Grade 1/2 students learning about the world of living things in their Biological Science topic, 'Growing and Changing'. They will identify changes in personal growth and investigate the stages of life in other organisms.
Grade 3/4: This term, Grade 3/4 students will be challenged with unseen phenomena when they undertake their Physical Science topic on 'Forces'. They will identify different forces that affect their daily lives and investigate how forces can change the movement of an object.
Grade 5: In Term 2, Grade 5 students will explore the world of Chemical Science when they undertake their topic titled, 'What's the Matter?'. They will identify properties of different objects/materials and investigate how solids, liquids and gases behave under different conditions.
Grade 6: Term 2 will see Grade 6 students learning about the unique behaviours of light when they tackle their Physical Science unit titled, 'Let there be light!'. They will investigate how light can be reflected and refracted and use their understanding in a design challenge to build their own periscopes.
That's all for now...... Don't forget to come and find me on yard duty to let me know all about your holidays!