Visual Arts

with Ms Popovic & Mrs Fitzpatrick 

Welcome back after what was hopefully a refreshing break!



Students in Prep have started their term completing line workshops; practicing making lines through drawing and stamping. They explored using paint sticks, cardboard stampers in paint, alternating gold and silver, and working in traditional rainbow order. Last term, they completed a line cutting activity and created magic carpets and will put this along with their 3 pieces from the line workshop together for a cohesive display for our art exhibition in term 4. 


Grade 1/2

Students have begun working towards their own preparation for our Arts Extravaganza (Exhibition) in term 4 - very organised, we know! The pupils have participated in discussions about how artists present and display their artwork, and have collated their 3 pieces from our line workshop, and magic carpet pieces in term 1 to create 1 cohesive display. 


Grade 3/4 & 5/6

Students in grades 3-6 have begun exploring 'squeegee art'. We have had a practice workshop using small scrapers, a range of colours and lots of samples. Students will have more opportunity practice this interesting technique, as well as exploring using a larger squeegee, and different consistencies of paint to complete their experimentation and exploration of the materials and equipment. 

These students have also been considering best ways to display their artwork and have started 'framing'/presenting some of their Easter or Ramadan watercolour paintings ready for display at our Arts Extravaganza.