Grade 4 Community News

Welcome back to our Grade 4 students and families.
Term 2 is well and truly in motion and it has been wonderful to see the grade 4 students settling into their regular routines while continuing to show enthusiasm for their learning. We cannot wait for the exciting term ahead.
4K – Ms. A
Hi there, I’m Ms. A and I’ve been part of the Tarneit Rise community since we first opened our doors in 2018. Beyond the classroom, you’ll often find me immersed in nature, taking refreshing walks and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors. Oh, and I love to play and explore with my furry friend Henry! Cooking is another passion of mine. There’s something magical about bringing ingredients together to create delicious and nourishing meals. The best part about my job is watching my students grow and succeed. Nothing brings me more joy than helping them discover their own potential and believing in themselves. Together we’ll embark on a journey of learning and discovery, and I can’t wait to see what amazing things we’ll accomplish this year!
We have begun our unit of work on the Impact of Settlement. During this unit, students explore what Aboriginal life was like before European settlement, how settlement impacted their way of life and significant people, and the current the challenges Indigenous Australians face today. So far, the students have explored a range of cultural practices of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They have discussed how many indigenous populations were impacted by the social and cultural disruptions caused by the introduction of devastating diseases during European settlement which ultimately, lead to significant population decline and many challenges that are still faced today.
In our Writing to Learn unit, the students have continued to extend their knowledge on how to effectively follow the writing process to plan, draft, revise and edit an Historical Narrative. Last term, the students learnt about James Cook and the First Fleet, British settlement, and the life of convicts in order to build upon their knowledge of significant historical events that have changed the course of history in Australia. This prior knowledge has enabled students to draw on historical events, people and ideas as inspiration for their narratives. The students continue to self-assess their writing to determine their learning goals and also deepen their understanding of using language features to enhance their narratives with dialogue, emotive language and idioms being the focus.
This term, the students have learnt how to identify dependent and independent clauses and write complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions. To help consolidate your child’s learning you may like to encourage them to identify complex sentences when reading.
We have concluded our unit on Fractions and Decimals where students were taught how to recognise and describe fractions including improper and mixed numeral fractions, use concrete materials to represent fractions, find equivalent fractions and locate fractions on a number line. In addition, students have explored the relationship between fractions and decimals and understand how the Place Value System can be extended to tenths and hundredths.
This week, we have begun our unit on Location and Symmetry where students are learning to use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in maps and create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes using a range of techniques.
We are excited to have the opportunity to visit Narana Cultural Aboriginal Centre to further develop our students’ understanding of Aboriginal culture and history. This excursion supports our area study on the impact of European settlement.
Grade 4 classes will be attending on the following dates:
Monday 20th May – 4D and 4H
Tuesday 21st May – 4A and 4I
Thursday 23rd May – 4F and 4K
Monday 27th May – 4B
Wednesday 29th May – 4C and 4J
Thursday 30th May – 4E and 4G
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Thank you,