Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
We are all so excited to have the children back at school and to hear about all of their wonderful holiday adventures. It has been a busy couple of weeks, but the children have settled back into routines and learning beautifully. We cannot wait to see what each student achieves this term!
In reading, students have been learning about the classification of animals and their habitats in our Read2Learn program. During this unit, students have discovered a variety of ways that scientists classify animals. Some of these include classifying animals based on their diet (carnivore, omnivore, herbivore), if an animal is a vertebrate or invertebrate or if they are cold blooded or warm blooded. You may wish to ask your child about the different.
In writing, students have started their unit on note taking. This is an important skill that will enable students to record their ideas in a quick and efficient manner. Students have been introduced to a variety of different symbols which they can apply when recording their ‘stop and jots’ during reading and writing sessions. The students have then applied their notes to create full sentences.
In maths, students have began their unit on place value. Students have been working with numbers up to 10,000 and exploring the different ways that they can be represented. Students have been recording how to read and make numbers using MAB on a place value chart, determining the value of each digit (in the number 4672 there are 4 thousands, 6 hundreds, 7 tens and 2 ones). The students have also been working on ordering and comparing numbers.
Morphology/ Vocabulary:
In week one, the students had morphology. During these lessons, the students focused on the suffix ‘al’ and ‘en’. When you add ‘al’ to a noun it changes to an adjectives (music -> musical) and when ‘al’ is added to a verb it turns into a noun (arrive -> arrival). The suffix -‘en’ is used to show a change in state, condition or action (dark -> darkens). In week two, the students had vocabulary and explored more new words! These words have come from our serial text ‘Race to Reconciliation’. Our words are cranky, spectacular, dramatic, eternity and resolution. The children are exploring these words looking at the meaning of the word, synonym and antonyms, and how to use the words in a sentence.
Friendly Reminders:
- On Thursday 25 April it is ANZAC Day so there will be no school.
- As the children are now in Grade 3, it is recommended that students walk to the classroom on their own of a morning. If you do choose to walk your child to the classroom, please do not enter the classrooms as teachers are busy setting up for the day.
- Please ensure that your child is bringing their reading satchel and journal on their assigned day so that we can celebrate their reading.
- Please ensure that your child is only bringing water in their drink bottle.