Grade 1 Community News

Dear Grade 1 Families and Carers,
It has been wonderful to welcome all of our students back to class after the break. We are excited to see the students just as engaged in their learning this term.
Let’s look at what our grade 1s have been learning.
In Reading, the students have been learning about the seven continents. The students have loved learning about North America, South America, Asia and Africa. Understanding about the different continents and oceans helps children build a better understanding about the world around them.
In Synthetic Phonics, we learnt that ‘igh’ says the long /i/ sound, /igh/ can be found in words like ‘sight’ and ‘high’. Our latest heart words that we have been learning include ‘would’ and ‘many’. In Writing, we have continued our unit of Informative Writing. Students have taken facts discovered from the continent's reading lessons to plan, draft, revise, edit and publish their own ‘Passport Around the World’. Please encourage your child to identify non-fiction texts at home and their intended audience.
In Maths, we have started our measurement unit. Over the course of the next three weeks each class will be covering mass, capacity and length. Students have been provided with hands-on experiences to develop their understanding of measurement with a focus on important vocabulary and real-life contexts.
In Vocabulary, we have been learning tier 2 words from our serial text ‘The Enchanted Wood’ by Enid Blyton. The students love trying to use their vocabulary words such as ‘glorious’, ‘explore’, ‘dreadful’ and ‘adventure’ throughout the school day.
Friendly Reminders:
- Please ensure your child is bringing their reading satchel to school with their student journal, so we can celebrate your child reading milestones.
- Please ensure your child is only bringing water to school. Students are allowed to bring cut up fruit in containers to eat during learning time.
- Lunch orders are available for students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the term and may be ordered through:
We thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning.