Prep Community News

Hello Prep Families and Carers,
We have had a wonderful and productive start to term 2! Our 2024 Preps have settled well into their first week back of Term and are eager to learn! We are very proud of the way the children are saying goodbye to their parents and carers at the gate or the pod doors and independently setting themselves up for the day. Here are the different topics we will be covering this term:
In Reading, we are continuing to practise our sounds and heart words that we have learnt from last term. We also learnt two new sounds in Week 1 being /b/ and /h/, along with our new heart word ‘of’.
We have been also practising segmenting and blending. For example, “c-a-t” segmenting is saying each sound out loud and then slowly blending all of those sounds together.
In reading, we are learning all about Nursery Rhymes in our Read to Learn unit and focusing on our rhyming words. This week we have explored ‘Rain, Rain’ and ‘Jack be Nimble’. Our students are really enjoying learning how to rhyme!
In writing we have continued learning new sounds. We have now learnt m, s, f, a, p, t, c, i, n, o, b and h. In week 1, our new heart word was ‘of’. We practise by saying “o-f spells of” and using it in a sentence. We have also been working hard on our 5-Star Writing.When we write a sentence, we aim to use a capital letter at the start and full stop at the end, as well as using our finger spaces, finger spelling and our best handwriting.
In maths, we have started our new topic of “Time”, which covers our Days of the Week and connecting our days to familiar events such as having PE on Wednesdays. We have also been practising what day it was yesterday, what day is it today and what day it will be tomorrow.
Sip and Crunch:
Sip and Crunch is a great way for your child to refuel on fresh fruit or vegetables during learning time. For Sip and Crunch, we ask that you add a small container of cut fruit or vegetables that is separate from your child’s lunchbox so that they can have it on their table to crunch on while learning. In addition, we also ask that you pack a bottle of water so that they can sip on this at their table during learning time.
Take Home Reading:
Many of our students have reached 50 nights of reading over the last couple of weeks! These have been celebrated, received a certificate, and have moved up their 200 Nights of Reading display in their classrooms!
Please remember to read every school night with your child and log it in their diary so that they can be celebrated for being an awesome reader!
In term 2, parents/carers are asked to let their child walk into the pod by themselves to help build their independence. At the end of the day, children need to be collected from their classrooms by their parents/carers.
Winter is coming and our days are getting colder. Please ensure students are coming to school in warm clothes on as it can get cold during recess and lunch play times.
Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled. This helps us to get them back to you if they are misplaced.
Thank you for your continued support!
PLC Prep