Physical Education News

Dear Students, Families and Parents,
Welcome back to another Term of P.E! The students have settled straight back into routine and have wasted no time in continuing to develop their fundamental motor skills as well as skills that are required within different games.
Upcoming Sports District Cross Country 8th May Winter Gala Day 5th June 2024
The Preps have been working really hard with their Fundamental Motor skills and have shown great progress after returning from the break. We are still focusing heavily on our high catches and have been using the vocab release, rotate, and catch.
Grade 1 and 2:
Grade 1s and 2s have been revising their high-catching techniques as well as their forward rolls. The vocab that they are using is release rotate and catch for their catches. We have been practicing with different kinds of balls and beanbags as well.
Prep | Grade 1 | Grade 2 |
Catch | Release | Rotate |
Triangle position | Rotate | Release |
Triangle | Tilt | Track |
Tilt | Track | Tilt |
Grade 3 and 4
Grade 3s and 4s have been finishing up their Striking and Fielding unit and are starting to move into Invasion games. The 3s and 4s have both made major progress in Teeball for the grade 3s and Danish longball and Teeball for the Grade 4s. This week we started our invasion games with a game of Zonal Octopus.
Grade 5 and 6:
The Grades 5 and 6s have also finished their striking and fielding units in flying colours with the students showing major growth across the areas of striking and fielding. Both the 5s and 6s are now starting off Invasion games. The students were reintroduced to invasion games through Zonal Octopus and will get into more Invasion games in the weeks to come. The 5s will be playing AFL and Touch Rugby. The Grade 6s will be playing European Handball and Soccer.
Superstar of the Week!
The superstar of the week for this week is Meet, our School Captain! Meet has won the Bowling Award for the Western Region Junior Cricket Association for the under 13s.
Meet took 15 wickets.
for the season at an average rate 8.73 while playing for Sunshine Cricket club. This is a great achievement Meet Well done!
If you would like your child posted in the next issue of the TRPS Superstars section please send your child’s photo, name, and club to the school email.