Grade 6 Community News

What a brilliant start to term 2! It is great to be back and into the swing of things.
Thank you to all our students who made such a fabulous effort during Gala Day last term. Our students were amazing ambassadors for the school and gave a wide variety of sports a red-hot go.
It has been great to see students continuously coming to school prepared with their reading journals filled out. Reading at home really does make such a big difference. Thank you to all the parents who take the time to go over the books our students are reading.
In Reading, we have finished our Reading Reconsidered unit based around the Enlightenment period. This fascinating period in history has taught our students a variety of different concepts as well as introducing key figures such as Isaac Newton.
We are continuing our reading by looking at the French Revolution. Students will use what they have learnt from the enlightenment period to allow them to explore the causes of the French Revolution. Make sure you quiz your children on key figures such as Marie Antoinette!
In writing, we are looking at speeches. Students will study the structure of speeches, different language features, purpose of speeches and present their own work to the class. This unit provides a great opportunity to boost students’ confidence with public speaking.
In Maths, we have started our data unit this term. Students have stated creating their own research questions and displaying their data. Please ask your children about how they presented their data!
Our Vocabulary words have been selected from our French Revolution unit. Please test your child on what they mean, and how they can use them in a sentence.
reform | wretched | tyrannical | courtier | treasury |
Week 2 Thursday 25th: ANZAC Day Public Holiday
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
The Year 6 Team.