Library News

First 2024 prize draw in the EDSC Reading Challenge
Congratulations to our first Fortnightly Draw winner in the EDSC Reading Challenge:
Mobin of 9H is the lucky recipient of a $10 canteen voucher.
Remember the more books you enter, the more chance you have of being a winner. Head to the library website to enter all those holiday reads into the Google Form.
EDSC students have now read an awesome 1,182 books. We have loved having verification chats with all the challenge finishers so far. There are 16 students that have already completed the minimum 15 books and had their chat with the librarian. Well done! We look forward to seeing you at the celebration party at the end of the challenge!
All details including rules and prizes are on our Reading Challenge webpage.
Library Leader morning tea
Our newest Library Leaders have been awarded their leadership badges at a special morning tea this week.
Library Leaders gathered at Recess on Wednesday April 24 for a celebration of their hard work.
Library Leaders are student representatives in their library: helping to maintain the library collection, promoting the Library in the school community, and undertaking other creative and general tasks.
Through the program, our Library Leaders build new skills, get work experience, meet other students, and make the EDSC Library a great place to be.
Library Leaders who joined the program over the past six months and have earned their badge are Niyati and Dhyey of Year 9, and Sakina, Shuban, Baran, Josh, Anna, Arshida, and Aanya of Year 8.
Students interested in becoming a Library Leader can speak to a Librarian about joining the waiting list for our popular program.
Kathryn Williams
Library Coordinator