Around the College
Senior Creative Presentation:
Our Year 12 Drama students have successfully completed their first major assessment piece, a creative presentation. As an independent production team, in conjunction with the classes self-devised Theatre Company 'Meridian Theatre', the students are to imagine they have been commissioned to create a dynamic dramatic work for our season of performances based on Stephen King's classic novel, and just recently transferred to the stage, Misery. The students adopted roles such as: director, actor, designer, promoter/producer, etc. Following our shared text-analysis of Misery, the production team collaborated to create a dramatic product, and developed, rehearsed and produced a final performance.
The students faced many challenges both artistically and practically, however, they all endured and produced two very impressive and insightful productions.
Year 8 and 9 Drama Excursion:
Creation Creation
The Drama Department went on an excursion to the Festival Centre with 85 Year 8 and 9 Drama students to watch Windmills' production smash hit: CREATION CREATION. It was an incredible experience for all involved. The play is a heart-warming and thought-provoking production that explores themes of big questions: why and how?
The Drama department, staff and students thoroughly enjoyed the show and found it to be a powerful and meaningful experience. The performance was captivating and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.
Jamie Richards
Drama Learning Leader
Giving to Communities:
ALWS Incursion
This term our Year 12 MAX unit is focused on 'Giving to Communities'. To kick off this unit, we had an incursion led by Celia Fielke from Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS). Celia started the session by asking students to reflect on their purpose and aspirations for the future.
Students were then prompted to consider three questions:
1. What is one thing that is going well in your life right now?
2. What is one idea you have for your future?
3. What is one thing you would like to change?
Celia highlighted the importance of appreciating the good things in our lives and not getting caught up in the smaller problems. She shared a humorous clip about first world problems to highlight this point. This was certainly something that many students could identify with.
Next, students learnt about the life of Muhakane from Burundi, who faced extreme poverty and hunger. Celia discussed the mission of ALWS, which is to show Christ's love through actions and help vulnerable people. Celia left students with a thought-provoking question: Do our actions and choices affect others? Are we part of the problem or the solution?
Overall, the incursion was a great way to start our unit on Giving to Communities. At the end of the term, students will have the opportunity to take collective action by participating in the Relay for Change.
I am looking forward to sharing more about this event with you later in the term.
SA Refugee Week Poster Competition
We are delighted to announce that two posters which were entered into the 2024 SA Refugee Week Youth Poster competition have been selected for an exhibition.
Congratulations to Annabel and Piper (joint entry)....
....and Arya and Jason (joint entry)
From 340 entries, 89 students from 55 schools have been selected to be included in the final SA Refugee Week Student Poster Exhibition which will be on display from Friday 21 June until Friday 11 August in the new Children’s ArtSpace Gallery at the Adelaide Festival Centre, King William Rd, Adelaide.
After that time the exhibition will tour extensively to regional and metro galleries through April/May 2025.
The 2024 Poster Exhibition will be officially launched on Friday 21 June at 11.00am in the Children’s ArtSpace Gallery at the Adelaide Festival Centre presented by Hon Blair Boyer Minister for Education.
Go Endeavour!
Alison Slater
Christian Living Learning Leader