As we keep on exploring Stories of Endeavour, God, and Us throughout the year, this term we are exploring Stories of Challenge, Growth, and Courage.
These are amongst the stories we love to hear.
For instance, we all love stories of ‘from rags to riches.’ The movie Slum-Dog Millionaire is a prime example. You may know someone, or be inspired by someone, or even be someone, who can relate to the ‘rags to riches’ life story.
But then there are other stories. Those we perhaps don’t love so much, but we become fascinated by. These are the stories of people or organisations that go from riches to rags, from victory to defeat. You may think instantly of a celebrity or famous leader who went from success to failure. From a business perspective, you may think of organisations like Blockbuster Video or Kodak.
But the best stories - the real stories - are those that include both failure and success, winning and losing, victory and defeat. These are the stories that all of us live. Stories where some days are great, and other days are not, where in the morning you could be full of joy and in the evening you are heartbroken.
This is the real life that we live. This is the real lives of people we actually often admire most. These are the stories of people who fall down, and get up again, who struggle and survive, who experience heartbreak, yet still love.
This is where Stories of Challenge, Growth, and Courage come to life; where we embrace what is hard, grow through the pain, and show courage to keep showing up every day.
It’s your story. It’s our story. And it’s God’s story.
It is in stories like this that Jesus shows up in our lives and makes a difference. It is in stories like this that Jesus shows us just how much he loves us. It is in stories like this that God comes and brings redemption. And it is in the stories of continual pain and heartache that God chooses to come to live.
In the book of Isaiah, this is said about God’s chosen Messiah, hundreds of years before Jesus came:
“He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.” (Isaiah 53:3)
God chooses to know what it is like to suffer.
So when we suffer, when you suffer, know that God is with you. You are not alone.
In your challenges, as you grow, and as you show courage, know that God is writing your story together with you. And know that your story is inspiring others to keep going with their story as well.
God bless you.
Chris Mann
College Pastor