RSL Liaison trip to Canberra for Anzac Day 

Amaeh and Sofia 

This year, we, Sofia and Amaeh, have the privilege to be RSL Student Liaisons for 2024. As RSL Liaisons, we work closely with the Kedron Wavell RSL Sub-branch. We volunteer with several activities which include charity water ski days with the Legacy foundation, Christmas calls to the veterans and many more to come later in the year. As representatives, it is also our job to attend monthly meetings at the Sub-branch and update veterans on all the great things happening at school in that month. The other schools in Kedron RSL liaison group include Padua College, Craigslea State High School, Kedron State High School, and Wavell State High School. 


From the 23rd to the 26th of April, we had an amazing opportunity to travel to Canberra for Anzac Day. On Anzac Day, we woke up bright and early ready for the dawn service. We attended the service at the RMC which is the Royal Military College and although it was 2 degrees and freezing, the service was a very lovely experience, especially hearing all the stories. Later in the day, we went to the Veteran’s March which was held at the Australian War Memorial. The march involved many veterans and it was special to have the opportunity to commemorate the day with them. Something that really stuck with the other liaisons and I, was a speech by Damien Thomlinson about his journey to recovery from serving in Afghanistan and onwards. It was incredibly moving, especially hearing about how he relearnt to walk again after losing both of his legs. Overall, a really wonderful day, that we all deeply enjoyed!



During the Kedron-Wavell RSL 2024 Canberra trip, along with nine other students, we had the privilege of exploring Canberra – learning it nearly inside out! Across the first few days of the trip, we were able to attend a tour of Old Parliament house and explore the National Archives looking at pieces of Australian history both in physical form and through new digital archives. We attended the Australian War Memorial’s Last Post service, laying wreaths and placing poppies next to names on the Roll of Honour. We participated in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation discovery program, visited and learned about memorials on Anzac parade, toured embassies and consulates, visited Mount Ainslie, explored Parliament House, the National Museum of Australia and plenty more. All the while making wonderful memories, and even better friends, along the way. 


Despite our jam-packed days of sight-seeing and touring, one of the main highlights of the whole experience was being able to travel with two veterans from the Kedron-Wavell RSL. Both John and Wally are long serving members of the Australian Airforce, who fought in Vietnam. They were kind enough to share their stories with us, having served together since the beginning of their journeys with the Australian Defence Force. Being able to get to know and experience Anzac services with these amazing veterans – seeing them march and hearing their personal stories - was a truly amazing experience. Ultimately, the entire trip was one to remember with so many new experiences, friendships and countless priceless memories.