From the Principal

Samantha Jensen

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope that you have all been enjoying the blessings of the past couple of weeks. Two weeks of less humidity is certainly a blessing as far as I am concerned! For those of you who have visited the College recently (or intend to pay a visit at our upcoming Open Day on Sunday 19 May and we hope that you do!), I think you will agree that our La Foresta is looking particularly luscious at present. I don’t think there has been a day that has past in my 3+ years at the College, where I have not felt enormous gratitude for the ‘Little Umbria’ that we enjoy each day. When other Principal’s or colleagues ask about the wellbeing programs at Mt A, I can proudly say that wellbeing at MtA begins first and foremost in the aesthetic spaces in and around La Foresta.


Last week it was with great pride that Kath Little (Deputy Principal of Teaching and Learning) and I presented at the International Coalition of Girls Schools Symposium at Melbourne Girls Grammar School. Our topic was on the very important and fruitful journey Mt A has been on these past years in ensuring our students have the best pathways, options, and opportunities available to them throughout their Franciscan education with us. Opportunities which cultivate their strengths, their interests and maximise their innate potential – it is a strategic approach in which the best of teaching, learning and academic strive to work together and not against each other. It is something you will know has been part of our strategic intention and is underpinned by a mantra of “high support and high challenge” in all that we do. We could not be prouder of our students and our staff (and families) in recognising the fabulous outcomes for our students to date. Our presentation entitled “The Perfect Partnership: School Improvement through Educational Wellbeing” was indeed a homage to what knowing your students, exceptional teacher feedback, self-belief, pursuit of personal best and accomplishment can truly achieve. This Educational Wellbeing is at the very heart of student wellbeing when we work intentionally, together, in this space. As a College, we should be very proud of everything we are achieving together for our students.

A Post Card from Melbourne


Sadly, due to the Symposium in Melbourne, I missed for the first time the ANZAC Day Kedron-Wavell Dawn Service and March. However, colleagues throughout the morning sent me photos of our participating students representing our College with poise and reverence. I extend my thanks to all students and families who represented the College (in very healthy numbers) for the ANZAC Day commemorative services this year.


In my absence, I also extend a warm thanks to all of our staff, student volunteers and families and students of our incoming Year 7 cohorts for 2025, 2026 and 2027 for our La Luce Primary School Immersion afternoon. With over 300 students and parents on site, the afternoon was filled with a range of stimulating and interactive learning experiences and an opportunity for the beginning of enduring connections for our little people and their parents. 

La Luce (The Light) is all about fostering connections and excitement, as our incoming students prepare to embark on their secondary education journey. I extend a particular thanks to our Dean of Middle Years - Simone Roche for her magnificent curation of the experience for our students to be. We simply could not run these wonderful events without the hard work and commitment of our student and staff volunteers. We're counting down the days until these eager minds become part of our Mt A family and we hope that they can all continue to follow the Mt A beacon that is lighting the path ahead of them. Here's to more inspiring La Luce events in 2024!


It is also with immense excitement that we await our annual Mt A College Open Day! I am certain many in our community have seen our wonderful banners, light poles and billboards around the area thanks to the wonderful work and approach of our Head of Communications, Engagement and Marketing Emma Velthuis. To date we are anticipating over 1700 people during the day with some exciting new exhibits and interactives to share. 



Parents and Carers in the southeast are certainly blessed for excellent school choices, so this day is an important opportunity for our college community to share in the warmth and hospitality of our Franciscan spirit and the outstanding (holistic) educational opportunities available to our young people at Mt A. Please let your family and friends know about this exciting event! Once again, I thank in advance for the extra commitment of our staff, student and parent partnership panel volunteers for their work in animating this very special and important day for us.


On Thursday evening I attended Parliament House where the Honourable Steven Miles MP, Premier of Queensland, The Honourable Shannon Fentiman MP Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women and The Honourable Yvette D'Ath MP Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence hosted “Not Now, Not Ever. Together. Reception”. This event being held during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, is in recognition of 10 years of reform in Queensland and at a time where, this topic is (appropriately) receiving nationwide attention and action. 


At Mount Alvernia College you will know that in a number of year levels this year already, we have been explicitly and in conjunction with Padua College, looking at the topic of Respectful Relationships with students.  As College(s) we are united in our approach to educate and work with young people to assist them in forging healthy, appropriate and safe relationships with each other. However, we know that this cannot be achieved without parents and carers also playing their role in ensuring that the language, conduct and modelling behaviours of respectful relationships to one and other and to all whom we encounter, is at the heart of our humanity.


In Fr Richard Rohr’s Franciscan circular this week he speaks insightfully of the role of simplicity in our lives… is an excellent reminder to us all.


“When we agree to live simply, we have time for spiritual and corporal works of mercy, prayer, service, and justice work, because we have renegotiated in our minds and hearts our very understanding of time and its purposes. Time is not money, despite the common aphorism. Time is life itself!”


Peace and all good,
