Principal's News

Our theme for this year


Lets Care! Be the difference! 


        Parent Newsletter Term 2, Week 4  Tuesday 07/05/24  



Dear Parents and Carers, 


This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day. A special day to highlight the central roles our Mothers play in our lives. We also celebrate all the other women in our lives such as Grandmothers, Stepmothers, Carers, Aunts, Cousins, Teachers and special friends who have helped to shape and form us into the person we are today. I would like to especially thank Suzanne Connelly, Chair of the Parents and Friends Committee for purchasing and organising the gifts for the Mother’s Day Stall which was held on Thursday. 


Thank you to all the volunteers who will be helping out on the day. The students love shopping for their mum, carers or mother figure and choosing a special gift.  





Thank you to Renee and Chris C (Jean Paul, Joseph and Elias’ Parents) for their amazing help with spreading tanbark and sorting sports equipment. This was very much appreciated.

Thank you to Mrs Tomazos and Mr JR for all their efforts too!



ANZAC Day in the community

The Year 5 and 6 Students beautifully lead the ANZAC Day Service at St Kevin’s on Wednesday the 24th of April. Thank you Mrs Gerosolimo for planning the service.


 ANZAC Day  Community Event


On Tuesday 23rd April, 2024 all Year Six Students attended the annual Manningham ANZAC Service at Templestowe Memorial Park.  It was a reverent and powerful service and the School captains Lucas and laid the wreath in front of the Memorial statue.


Story, Drama and Dance Time Friday 3rd 

This was a wonderful opportunity to begin transition for 2025 preps and beyond!  It was a very positive experience for kinder and pre-kinder children.  Thank you Mrs O’Meara, Ms Fitzgerald and Mrs Tomazos.


Bunning BBQ

Bunnings – DONCASTER – Saturday 1st June   8am - 5:30pm

Thank you to all the families who have donated goods and funds to this fundraiser.  Also thank you to parents and carers who have offered to assist with servicing, cooking and cleaning up.  


We have 14 parents who have offered to assist on the day.  They are Chiara, Rosa Lee, Fiona, Penny, Mabi, Jim, Maggie, Laura, Alex, Glenn, Marey, Sophie, Jo and Wilson!  (as of Sunday)  Well done to each of you.


We need 5 spots for each shift (5) -  25 spots (Mrs Tomazos and I are also supporting the event)   


Here is the link please support this event.   

Bunnings Link


It is a fun one! All funds raised will go towards mending and adding outdoor seating for students.


If everyone from St Kevin’s visited Doncaster Bunnings and bought one sausage I wonder how much money we would raise?  


The Book Fair is back for 2024!!


It starts May 24 in the library. More info to come.

Hoping to see you there!!

Maintenance of Adventure playground


Retaining walls have been mended and new ones erected on the Adventure Playground during the school holidays.  We have also restocked the tan bark in the areas around the equipment.

The next massive task, which has already commenced is sorting and moving all the sport equipment into new sheds.


ITALIANO - Term 2 - Week 4


We re-commence interviewing for a language assistant this week.  While we are waiting to employ I have taken on this role.  I started my teaching career as an Italian teacher and I am passionate about teaching languages.  


It was interesting. I bumped into some of my students from St Martin’s last week and they addressed me as ‘Signorina’ which means ‘Miss’ . This was a long time ago and it was lovely to hear them speak about learning Italian so many years ago.

What are we learning and practising?

When someone comes to the door (a visitor) they say  ‘Permesso’ and the people inside reply ‘Avanti’! Can you guess what that means? We are going to try it from now on!


 Link to Spoken example (recording)

We are revising language from Term 1.   New language - Fermatevi! (everyone stop), Guardate!  (everyone look) Ascoltate!  (everyone listen)  Venite qua - come here (plural), Tutti in piedi - everyone stand up.


Our vision for learning language is based on communication and interaction.  It is a pleasure to take on this role and work with students and staff!  Arriverderci!


Student Voice

Villages on the Playground

Over the past few weeks the students have created villages on the playground and these projects are taken very seriously.  The students are totally engaged in this creative play.  They have even named the villages. There are jobs or tasks for each student to complete and it is well thought out. The students even interviewed students for positions and allocated them to different jobs.  These jobs are dependent on skill level. The thinking is quite complex in establishing and maintaining this project. It is messy especially building a waterway but the students are totally engrossed in this experience.

Some non negotiable have been discussed with the students and staff

  1. Safety is paramount
  2. Exclusion to this project is not permitted
  3. At the end of breaks rubbish needs to be placed in the bin
  4. Students need to consult staff when things do not go well.

I am interested to see how this project evolves and how the school can connect this to the concept of power which is being studied in class.


PBL and Student Voice

Every school day at around 10:55m two Student Leaders remind the students of the ‘Expected Behaviours being reviewed that week. For example this coming week it is;  

‘I keep my hands, feet and objects to myself’.


The leaders give examples of good practices and remind us all of the focus for the week.  As you have heard us say it is about consistency and careful explicit ins. 


Winter Uniform (beanies and scarves) 

This week, all children should be in full winter uniform.  Last year Felix T. brought to my attention that we did not have St Kevin’s beanies and scarves in the uniform range.   So with his assistance these items were designed and are available for purchase. 

Flyer to be shared soon.


Winter Colds

At St Kevin’s, we continue to use hygienic measures daily such as hand sanitising before and after eating, washing hands after going to the toilet, using tissues and disposing them in the bin after use and air purifiers are allocated in all areas of the school.


If your child is presenting with cold-like symptoms, it would be appreciated if you keep them home to ensure that germs are not spread in the classroom. If your child is sick at school and demonstrates any cold-like symptoms, parents will be called to come and pick up their child. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding  with this request. 


Open Days for 2025 

It has been recommended by MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Education) that we continue scheduled Open Days for 2024.  This promotes St Kevin’s in the community and invites all in the community to have a guided tour  through the school during the year.   The dates for the next few open days will be in the next newsletter, in Parent Google Calendar and website etc.

Child Safe 

As part of our compliance as a Catholic Primary School we are mandated to share the Child Safe Standards with parents, staff and students.  In the next few newsletters I will include the standards one or two at a time.  The SAC (School Advisory Council)  has also been involved in a discussion and  presentation by Fiona George last term.


The learning community of St. Kevin’s Catholic Primary school is committed to the wellbeing and safety of all children.  Our interactions with all in our community is founded on respect for each person.  Within a catholic community this respect of each individual, is rooted in the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God. Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.


Child Safe Standard 5 - Diversity and Equity


At St. Kevin’s Primary School diversity of cultures, languages and abilities are upheld.  There are many ways in which we as a community enable equity to be upheld and diverse needs are respected.


In our community, new families are warmly welcomed with personal school tours by the principal or a member of the school leadership team. Introductory faith workshops for newly enrolled families, a formal individual meet and greet with family and child, and an extensive transition program for new students, enable the families to feel a sense of welcome that their individual circumstances and needs are met. Families from other religious backgrounds are valued and their beliefs respected in our community. Children from vulnerable backgrounds and with diverse abilities are supported by staff in safe and accessible ways.  In these ways, the multiplicity of voices and practices are upheld and respected in the belief that all people are made in God’s likeness.


Access to Compass and Seesaw

If you have not returned this form please return it ASAP.  Selena will send out spare forms.  It is very important to collate all this information




Congratulations 5/6GS and Prep M for being the top classes on SEESAW.


I hope everyone has an amazing Mother's Day and I look forward to catching with all the mums and carers at the Templestowe Pub next Thursday!


Warmest regards, Gabee  Leone