The Math's Space

Week 2, Term 2 


Early Stage 1 are learning about numbers 0 to 20, so that they can read and represent numbers. This week they have been focusing on counting forwards and backwards and have been doing a fantastic job! The storybook warm ups have been a big hit as they can practice their counting while learning some new facts about wonderful animals and environments. 


Stage 1 have been learning all about addition this week. It has been fantastic to see students using what they have learnt this year already to help them in understanding this concept. They have been exploring how they can create number sentences from a picture and learning to understand how we can use a range of numbers to create number sentences and still have the same correct answer. 



To flow on from the work that Stage 2 completed at the end of Term 1 on Addition and inverse operations they are now looking at subtraction. They have been busy exploring the different number sentences they can create which will give them the same answer. 


Stage 3 has started the term exploring the world of data! Students are able to explain the difference between categorical and numerical data, collect a range of data and display it using a range of different graphs and organisers, both hand-drawn and with the assistance of technology. It was interesting to see that when students were told how they would collect data (watching the cars drive past the highway for 10 minutes) but not what data to collect they were able to produce some fantastic results from car colours, to make, to the number of passengers in the vehicle. 


To create the link to the real world Stage 3 had a visit from Eli Simpson to talk to them about an exciting new project some students will be working on that involves data collection and analysis. We were able to use our new mathematical understanding to support us in understanding how this project would use the data collected to generate change.