Principal's Panorama

Zoe Nugent 

It was been an excellent start to the term in our classrooms, as educators, we have been blessed with the opportunity to join a number of significant professional development opportunities either in school or within our Diocese. 

Our young people are engaged and settling back in after their school holidays and our skilled helpful adults are continuing their support of academic and social learning through consistent, high expectations for all young people and each other.  


This week I am grateful for;

  • Having had the opportunity to work in Stage One teaching, in Stage Two learning and observing and sharing the refinement of pedagogy and practice with our Armidale Catholic Schools System Leaders.
  • Having the chance to talk data and potential growth for our Year 3 and Year 5 students based on preliminary NAPLAN data.
  • Our Parents and Friends Committee for their High Tea
  • For the collection of our skilled helpful adults who make it possible for me to be a part of such a dedicated school community.

annnndd finally for today, when I was able to see Stage Two working on planning and acting their silent role play using the scenario of;

You are packing to go on holidays. 

You are almost ready to go when you realise you are missing your favourite teddy bear. 

You can't find him anywhere. You look all around. 

You won't be able to catch your flight without him!

It was an absolute cracker to see some of the facial expressions and movement of hands and arms when our young people are pretending to be their own parents/carers.  We have some students who are certainly destined for 'lights'.

Why School Attendance Matters

Non-attendance at school has a huge impact on our young people.  At school, our young people not only engage in academic learning, but also build their connection to school and local  community.  

Regular attendance helps students to:

  • develop a sense of belonging
  • develop and maintain friendships
  • be more engaged at school
  • progress with their learning
  • be more aware of career and life options.

In the Armidale Diocese we use a tracking system through COMPASS and the Data Ecosystem to identify the attendance risk category of all of our students.  

Every school day is important

“Every day counts and there is no ‘safe’ threshold for absences” – Hancock et al., 2013

The link between absence from school and decrease in academic achievement and social connection is alarming and accumulative.  Absences that occur now, do affect student future school potential, in a 2019 study by Hancock et al, it was found that students who had an accumulated absence rate of ten percent in their first three years of schooling, achieved on average almost two thirds of a years growth LOWER on their Year Three NAPLAN data than students who did not have the absence.  If we look at the table above... a 10 percent absence equates to a half day absence per fortnight.  

If you would like additional information or support to increase your child/ren's attendance, please contact the school and we can arrange the opportunity to have a discussion.

Staff Professional Development

Religious Education Staff Retreat and Curriculum

Monday 29th of April saw our staff undertake Professional Development within the Religious Education realm.  Looking into aspects such as;

  • What makes a Catholic Professional Learning Community  
  • What makes our school a Catholic school
  • What it looks like to be a skilled helpful adult in our school
  • What is the Mission and Vision of the Catholic Church and how that is a part of our everyday work as a Catholic school
  • What is developing a relationship with God 
  • Programming and Pedagogy in a Catholic school in the Diocese of Armidale

 The understanding of WHY we are here at St Mary of the Angels as a team of skilled helpful adults and why staff have personally made the decision to work in a Catholic School was incredibly warming and Many thanks to Darryl Martin and Damian Roff from Armidale Catholic Schools Office for their knowledge and support of the rich conversations that came from our day together.

Parents and Friends Mother's Day High Tea

Thank you to our dedicated P&F for their Mother's Day High Tea on Wednesday.  It was a delight to share the afternoon with all those who were able to attend!


It was a brilliant afternoon, please see the dedicated page for photos....

The way we can contribute to the P&F are varied. Please give special consideration to joining these dedicated souls as they continue to strengthen the connection and partnership between home and school and to support all of our young people.

Anzac Day 25th April

Thank you to all of our young people and their parents/carers who attended our ANZAC Day commemoration on Thursday of the final week of holidays.  It was a magnificent representation from our school community as we continue to keep the memory alive of those who have served our country in war or peacekeeping missions, we honour and remember the sacrifices made by our serving members and their families.

Well done Darcy S. who read the Prayer for Freedom for the Main Service and thank you, Katrina Floyd for her preparation of the wreath from Rosemerin Florists. 

Volunteer Induction

All community members who would like to be involved in volunteering their time to support the school will be required to complete a 'Volunteer Induction".

This extensive induction covers the following areas:

  • Child Safety Training including Mandatory Reporting requirements
  • Roles and expectations of volunteers in schools
  • Code of Conduct for Volunteers including volunteers and student behaviour, mobile phone, signing in and out responsibilities, Dress Code
  • Living Well, Learning Well Training
  • Confidentiality/Privacy Training
  • Emergency and Evacuation procedures onsite and excursion
  • Facilities overview and WHS expectations
  • Verification of Working With Children Check

St Mary of the Angels will hold their Term 2, Volunteer Induction on the 14th May commencing at 1:30pm. Please note, ALL volunteers must complete this induction before commencing any volunteer work at St Mary of the Angels, Guyra.

Reminder: Building a national picture of child health

In the week of 3rd June to 7th June 2024, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). 

  1. The AEDC is a teacher-completed census (similar to a questionnaire) which provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school.
  2. The AEDC is an Australian Government Initiative and is completed nationally every three years. 
  3. Children don’t miss any class time while the AEDC is completed, and parents/carers don’t need to supply schools with any new information. 


The data collected through the AEDC is used by schools, communities and governments to better understand children and families’ needs, and identify the services, resources and support they need.

AEDC data is reported at a school, community, state/territory and national level. AEDC results for individual children are not reported and the AEDC is not used as an individual diagnostic tool.


To find out more about the AEDC and how it is being used to help children and families visit:


May you have a gentle fortnight!

