Specialist News 

This term in Auslan the grade 3 to 6 students have been learning how to initiate questions about each others houses. We have been focusing on descriptive signs and so far they are able to describe the facade of the house through sign. This may include gardens, grass areas, concrete, fences, colours etc.


The grade 1/2 class have been learning to sign National Anthem, so far we have learn the first verse.


The Foundation students have been learning about occupations. They have been introduced to a variety of occupation signs and they are learning these through the use of songs. This week we were signing about Police Officers.

Performing Arts 

FIGATROLL, Figatroll, Figatroll!  


Last Friday we were fortunate to view a performance of Figatroll presented by the Australian Contemporary Opera Company.  They performed a version of the Three Billy Goat's Gruff in movement, song and dance. This operatic performance is a family opera based on music by Rossini.   It was delightful to watch the children's expressions and body language as the music changed and the story evolved. The children learnt many musical terms such as 'quartet', piano and pianissimo (soft and very soft). This was a great experience and enjoyed by staff and students. 


In Performing Arts this term the grade 3 - 6 children are continuing to develop their skills on the recorder. This week they have been learning to play 'We will Rock You' and 'When the Saints go Marching In'. The grade P - 2 students have been working on their 

singing, beat and rhythm skills 


Visual Arts 

In art this term, students have been exploring shape.


The foundation level students have been learning about using line to make shapes. They are learning about three-dimensional art forms and how to use shape to create their artwork.  Year one and two students are practicing different organic and geometric shapes, and how these shapes can be put together to make interesting and unique art forms. Students are also exploring with mixed media to create three-dimensional art forms using their knowledge of shape and space.


In the senior school, students in years three to six are taking their knowledge of shape to the next level, creating three dimensional masterpieces. They are learning about the ancient art of paper mâché and how different cultures have explored this medium in the past.  The students are enjoying getting the feel for this different medium and discovering the techniques used to create their art.



In PE/Sport this term, students have been preparing for the big House Cross Country run, building up stamina and endurance, along with learning different techniques to stretch and strengthen their bodies. Students have learned appropriate stretches and discussed how to build warm-up and cool down into their work-out routine. Stretching is important to keep muscles flexible and healthy, and to prevent injury when doing physical activity. On Tuesday, students competed in the House Cross Country run. Thank you for the support from all the amazing staff and volunteers to make this day run smoothly. Congratulations to our winners, and to those who have progressed to the next round of racing. The District Cross Country event will be held next week on Thursday, 9 May.