Prep News

Mrs Jo Towill

The Prep students have made a great start to Term 2. 


Learning in English has involved letter formation and sounds for 'd, f, e, v, k, l, r and u'. 

We have been writing and reading words and sentences. Our units of work in Reading lessons have focused on the texts 'ANZAC Ted' and 'Penguins'. We have been learning about non-fiction books and how they are different to fiction books. In our work around 'ANZAC Ted' we learnt about adjectives and described the teddy in the story. We made a wreath with our buddies. The grade 3/4 students made ANZAC biscuits and there were enough to share with the whole school! Thanks for our yummy biscuits Mr D's class!. 



We have been writing dictated sentences. Mrs Towill reads out a sentence and we write down the sounds we hear in the words to write it on our own.


With the text 'Penguins', we have been learning lots of interesting facts about the penguins at Antarctica. We learnt that a group of penguins is called a colony or a huddle. Emperor penguins are over 1 metre tall. That is the same height as Braxx, Reegan and Deon! We are pretending to be Antarctica explorers and we have an igloo in our doorway! We followed a directed drawing to draw some Emperor peguins.  We will learn more facts about them and make some penguin craft with our buddies. 


Our learning in Mathematics so far this term has covered Data, Patterns, and Counting. In our data lessons we were learning to represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. We were also learning to describe the displays.  We collected 'fruit' (blocks) from the farm and sorted them into colours. Then we made a representation with blocksand coloured a bar graph. We discussed the results of our graphs.


 In our maths lessons on patterns, we copied, continued and created our own patterns using blocks, shape blocks and natural materials. We have learnt that patterns are all around us and that they can be about many things such as colours, shapes, and numbers.

We went outside and collected leaves, sticks, stones and bark to create our own patterns. 

Our natural environment patterns



Our new Inquiry topic of 'The Changing World' focuses on students considering change through the lens of Science, Geography and History. Students will consider how their community has changed over time, how the seasons change, and how living things change in order to survive.