Principal News 




This edition of Principal News demonstrates our school values in action! 


I was particularly proud of our school community on ANZAC Day as we gathered together to remember and give thanks to those men and women who fought so bravely for our country.  This public event provided an opportunity for our school leaders to shine! As the Principal of Bittern PS I was honoured to assist Brodie and Jedd (School Captain and Vice Captain) to lay a wreath at the Crib Point Memorial. Our school was well represented with families, students, parents and staff as we joined the march to the cenotaph and then the service led by the Crib Point/Flinders RSL.   

Lest we Forget! 


How great is it to be a school principal and have your afternoon tea delivered by the students. Last week I was hand delivered ANZAC biscuits for afternoon tea made by the Grade 3/4 students.  Thanks Melissa and Rose! This act of kindness made my day! 

Enrolments for 2025 are now open! 

Planning for 2025 is well underway. School tours are now offered for families interested in enrolling their child at BPS. If you have a child starting next year, or know any families with a school age child, please ask them to contact the school as soon as possible. 


Attitudes to School Survey 

It is that time of the year when we administer the Attitudes to School Survey to our Grade 4 - 6 students. This survey provides our school with useful data relating to student learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general. This survey will occur between June 3rd - 14th.  Further information will be sent to parents in the coming week. 

School Pride: 


This year we continue to promote a culture of school pride.  School pride is the idea of feeling a connection with school and being proud to represent our school values.  This particularly applies to school uniform. We are noticing that a few children are wearing incorrect uniform in particular black pants, sweat pants and inappropriate shoes. Currently our dress code policy is being updated and will be shared with families via a Compass newsfeed in the coming weeks. We ask that families please check their child's uniform and comply with our standard items and colour as per our dress code (see uniform picture board on the parent and community news page of this iNewsletter).  If you need any support with supplying student uniform please contact the office. 


Guitar Lessons: 

We have several families who are interested in their child learning guitar from Tim Vinton. 

These lessons will commence on Tuesday May 7th.  Please note that all communication and payment regarding these lessons should be directed to Tim and not via the school. 



Standard 2: Leadership, governance and culture – Ensure that child safety and wellbeing are embedded in school leadership, governance and culture.


Are you looking to enrol your child at BPS ? 

You may have a child beginning Foundation in 2020 or transferring from another school. When selecting a school for your child it can be advisable to ask about CHILD SAFE. 

What is Child safe?  


All children have the right to feel safe and to be safe all of the time. An organisation or agency that provides a child safe environment is one that has a range of strategies and policies in place to ensure children are protected from harm and abuse.

Under the child safe standards schools must inform the school community about:

  • strategies to embed a culture of child safety at the school, and roles and responsibilities within the school for achieving these strategies
  • the school’s child safety policy or statement of commitment to child safety.

You also ask to see the school's:

  • code of conduct outlining clear expectations for appropriate behaviour by school staff with children (this must be publicly available)
  • strategies to promote child empowerment and participation, e.g. delivering appropriate education about standards of behaviour for students attending the school, healthy and respectful relationships (including sexuality), resilience and child abuse awareness and prevention.
  • procedures for reporting suspected child abuse.