
Message from the health promotion nurse
I hope you are all well. I wanted to keep everyone regularly updated on health information and news that can affect the wellbeing and health of our students and community.
As many of you may be aware, vaping has become increasingly prevalent among teenagers in recent years. While initially marketed as a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes, vaping poses its own set of health risks, particular for young people. The use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices had been linked to respiratory problems, cardiovascular issues, and addiction to nicotine, among other concerns.
According to the 2022/23 Australian Secondary School’s Student Survey, around one third of students (30%) had used an e-cigarette at least once in their lifetime. Around 5% of students vaped regularly (vaping on 20 or more days in the past month). Among students who had tried vaping, over two thirds (69%) had never smoked a regular cigarette before they first vaped.
Law Reforms
It is illegal for people under the age of 18 to possess or buy a vape, whether it contains nicotine or not. I wanted to bring to your attention the updates in vaping reform and accessibility below:
More information: E-cigarette Reforms factsheet (English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese).
At some point later in this year, all sales of vapes over-the-counter, without a prescription and from a pharmacy will be illegal.
If you are concerned that a minor has successfully purchased tobacco or e-cigarette products, you should contact the local council (our case Merri-bek) where the breach occurred to make a complaint about the business. Local councils employ authorised officers who are responsible for educating businesses about their responsibilities under the Tobacco Act 1987 and to enforce breaches where required.
Please also note, under the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981, it is illegal for retailers to sell e-cigarette products containing nicotine. If the business you are referring to is selling e-cigarette products containing nicotine, this can be reported to Victoria Police via Crime Stoppers here: or by calling 1800 333 000.
Supports and more information
Our school provides vaping education in our health curriculum and there is increased funding towards support for those with who experience challenges with vaping. If you wanted more information or further support, please refer to the factsheets or links below:
- E-cigarette Reforms factsheet (English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese)
- Positive Choices (vaping factsheet)
- Quitline vaping factsheet
- Health Translations vaping factsheet (all other languages)
- For support contact Quitline or 13 78 48
- Health promotion nurse at CHS (Monday and Tuesdays; Referral link or QR)
Matthew Li
Health Promotion Nurse