Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Carers,
Over the past few weeks each government school received their School Performance Report for 2023.
I am delighted to report that Warrnambool Primary School results increased or increased significantly in the following areas.
Reading Year 3-5 Relative Growth- Increased significantly
Numeracy Year 3-5 Relative Growth- Increased significantly
School Climate- Increased Significantly
Academic Emphasis- Increased
Instructional Leadership- Increased
This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff but equally the determination of our students to achieve the best they possibly can.
The staff, students and parents at Warrnambool Primary should be proud of these achievements but we must always search and strive for improvement.
A key component of our whole school improvement is that we have designated leadership teams in Literacy, Numeracy and Well-Being.
This week the focus is on our Literacy Leadership team and by extension our Literacy Community of practice team.
Jasmine Cunningham is a very experienced, well credentialed teacher. Jasmine has taught at Warrnambool Primary School for many years but Jasmine has also worked in secondary settings interstate and with the Department of Education in a coaching role. Jasmine is currently studying a Masters’ degree in Psychology and has for many years undertaken personal and professional research into improved student learning. Jasmine is one of the driving forces behind the development of structured literacy at Warrnambool Primary School but also across the area.
Cathy Gleeson has been a key component of Warrnambool Primary School’s push toward structured literacy in the classroom. Cathy in recent times has undertaken much personal and professional learning in this area and uses the skills and knowledge acquired to great effect in her classroom roles and as part of the Tutor Learning Initiative.
Cathy has been a long standing Literacy Leader and expert teacher at Warrnambool Primary School.
Edwina Medro has been a fantastic acquisition to our Teaching and Learning Team at Warrnambool Primary School in recent years. Edwina has also worked on her personal and professional learning in the area of structured Literacy across our school. Teachers from other schools often come to Warrnambool Primary School to observe Edwina teach Sounds Write and other structured Literacy programs in the Year 1/2 area.
Each week Jasmine, Cathy and Edwina meet to discuss our whole school Literacy focuses for the coming weeks. They also drive Professional Learning at staff meetings to ensure that we have low variance and consistency in Literacy across the school.
At present Jasmine, Cathy and Edwina are working alongside Danielle Toone, Assistant Principal, and Brooke Thompson Year 4 teacher as part of a Community of Practice focusing on best practice in Literacy instruction across the Wimmera South West Area. Danielle has been an excellent Literacy Leader at Warrnambool Primary School over many years, including staff professional learning and coaching across the school. Brooke Thompson has embraced our whole school focus on structured Literacy through her own personal and professional learning.
In my time in teaching and as a Principal over many years I can say that this is the most experienced and well equipped Literacy Team that I have had the pleasure to work with. Our students are the beneficiaries.
Congratulations to all the students that qualified and competed for Division Athletics at Brauerander Park today. Three students have placed and now progress through to Regional Athletics in October. Well done to:
- Amaya Townsend 1st in shot put
- Quinn Hussey 1st in high jump
- Sam Turner 2nd in triple jump
All other track competitors are waiting to hear if they progress through as well. Thank you to Cherine Owen for all your organisation and support to the students.
The Warrnambool Primary Parents Association will be holding a Mother's Day stall next Thursday 9th May. All items are $5 each and students can purchase up to 2 items.
Well it’s that time of year again when our school seriously starts talking about walking! Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around.
And although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine.
You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by:
• Walking with them the whole way to school
• If they get the bus or train, walk past your usual stop and get on at the next stop
• If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way.
Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for Friday 10th May 2024!
Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria. This year Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May 2024.
This year’s theme is ‘Spotlight on STEM.’ It is a chance for schools to celebrate how they bring science, technology, engineering and maths into the classroom.
As part of the fun we are holding our Open Night on Wednesday 15th May 2024 from 5pm. There will be a sausage sizzle run by the WPPA, Lucky Door Prizes and the launch of the Scholastic Book Fair.
The best part of the evening will be to visit your child’s classroom and catch up with the staff and other school community members. The children love seeing their parents and families in their school.
All families and friends are welcome to attend including any prospective new families.
A reminder that School Council approved Friday 17th May 2024 as a dedicated Pupil Free Day for Wellbeing Professional Learning.
Friday 7th June 2024 is also an approved Pupil Free Day for student report writing.
Children are not required at school on Friday 17th May and Friday 7th June 2024.
Their Care will be offering their program for those families who require the service.
Selected Year 5/6 Koorie students have been invited to attend a STEM project provided by the Geelong Cats, in Geelong on Monday 20th May. Parents of attendees are reminded to check Compass for event times and permission requirements.
Have a great weekend.
Peter Lee