Year Four - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families, 


This week students continued to show the schoolwide expectations by following the routines and getting to know their peers in the classroom and community. 


Some students received awards in either Safety, Respect or Learning that they displayed in Week Two.

Next week we are learning about...


Religious Education Focus

Next week students will be exploring the theme of belonging and connections. Students will also be learning about journeys, pilgrims and their pilgrimages and linking these to Jesus' pilgrimage. 


English Focus

We are continuing to read our class novel Kensuke's Kingdom. Students are connecting their knowledge of the text to the weekly vocabulary and writing tasks.


Mathematics Focus

Our next focus for Mathematics will be addition and subtraction where students will be learning strategies such as compensation with the use of rounding to the nearest ten to help them solve mathematical problems.


Auslan Focus

Next week students will be looking at the theme of Asking Questions such as: I have a question, Whose is this?, What's your name? and Which of these?

Week 2Event
Thursday Open Afternoon and Family Catch-up - 4:45 - 6:45 pm


  • No hat no play. All students need to bring a hat everyday to school.
  • Fruit/snacks - please ensure that your child has fruit and snacks to enjoy during brain food and eating time.
  • Water - it is very hot and students are active throughout the day. Please send a water bottle with your child to school. 

Contact Us OR

Staff MembersEmail Address
4A -Jackie
4A - Alison
4B - Susan
4C - Christine
4C - Andrew
4D - Carmen