Year Three - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families, 


This week all students have really taken the learning routines to a new level. Moving up and down the stairs, using our whiteboards in Daily review and leaning into being curious and asking questions. What excellent progress all the students are making. 

Next week we are learning about...

Religious Education Focus

Forgiveness will be a focus while some students are preparing for Reconciliation. We will explore the story about The Prodigal Son. 

English Focus

We are going to expand our sentence writing to include more detail such as who, what, where, when, why and how? Students will continue to plan their writing paragraphs for their narrative, next week's focus is on the problem of the story and how we can create an interesting event for characters to experience. 

Mathematics Focus

Using what we have been learning about place value and partitioning numbers of 6 digits, up to hundreds of thousands, we will explore how addition and subtraction can be solved using a range of mental and physical strategies. 

Auslan Focus

We have worked on greetings, so now we are going to work on asking questions such as: 

I have a question? Whose is that? What's your name? Where is...? Which if these?  Can I go to the toilet please? 

Week 2Event
Monday3A, C, D Media Arts
Tuesday3B Media Arts
Friday3A, B, C, D Sports

This week's highlights...

Community meeting On Wednesday means watching the Assembly together, practicing songs for the upcoming Mass (date to be confirmed). Celebrating birthdays in the community and certificates given for Safety, Respect and Learning. 


We also take some time to review and discuss some points of learning. This week was about Religious Education and how we can be a light in otehrs lives and make good positive choices. 


Please ensure you have signed your child's ICT agreement so we can begin integrating our technology into our learning space. Thank you. 

Contact Us OR

Staff MembersEmail Address
3A - Angela
3A - Jessica
3B - Cass
3B - Lance
3C - Jane
3D - Gurbiner
3D - Sarah