Year One - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,


As we settle into the school year, we are focusing on building our learning stamina. After the holidays, it takes time for young learners to adjust to full school days, and we are supporting them in developing focus and persistence in their tasks.


A big part of this is making sure our brains and bodies have the fuel they need! Eating healthy snacks and lunches helps children stay energised and ready to learn. 

Please continue to pack nutritious food and plenty of water to support their growing minds and check in with them about how much they might need, or if they may or may not like something.


We appreciate your support as we build strong learning habits together!


We are so excited to have Mrs Perera back with us on Monday.  1A have made a very smooth start and we thank Mrs Julie O'Donnell  for supporting our children to transition so well into Year One.


This coming week, students will begin bringing home take-home readers. The setup will be very similar to Foundation, where students will be encouraged to change their books twice a week after reading them multiple times at home. This re-reading helps develop fluency, confidence, and comprehension skills.

Next week we are learning about... 

Religious Education focus: Students will be learning about prayer and that people can have a conversation with God at any time, in any place and in many different ways.

English focus:Students will be introduced to verbs, building on their new knowledge of nouns and how to use both withing their writing. Revision of sounds previously taught, specifically ‘tch’. Students added more information to boring sentences making them more complex.

Mathematics focus: Students continue to build upon their knowledge of Place Value and how much something is by creating collections and grouping them in 'tens' and 'ones'.

SEL: Students are continue their discovery within the book - Your Fantastic Elastic Brain by JoAnn Deak, where they will be looking to recognise emotions others are feeling by looking at their face and body.


History: Students are beginning to explore their connections to the community. Students will reflect on the different communities they are part of, both at school and beyond. 

This is a great opportunity to talk with your child about the communities they belong to outside of school, such as sports teams, cultural groups, or clubs. These discussions will help them make meaningful connections to their learning.


AUSLAN Focus: Students are working towards understanding that questions signs are commonly placed at the end of a sentence within Auslan

Week 4



  • 1B - Physical Education - Students are encouraged to wear PE uniform

  • 1D - Visual Arts, please send in an Art Smock 


  • 1C & 1D - Physical Education - Students are encouraged to wear PE uniform


  • 1A - Visual Arts, please send in an Art Smock 


  • 1A - Physical Education - Students are encouraged to wear PE uniform

  • 1B & 1C - Visual Arts, please send in an Art Smock 

  • Open Afternoon and Family Catchup - 4.45pm-6.45pm




  • Please send reader folders with students every day
  • All students are required to wear a wide brim hat for recess and lunch time
  • Students need an art smock for Visual Art
  • Extra fruit or vegetables for fruit break

Important Dates

  • Thursday 20th Feb - Open Afternoon and Family Catch-up - 4:45pm - 6:45pm
  • Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent
  • Friday 7th March - Pupil Free Day - Professional Development day for staff
  • Monday 10th March -School Closure - Labour Day Public Holiday

Contact Us @ Jerusalem

Staff MembersEmail Address
1A - Nimanthi
1B - Amanda
1B - Crystal
1C - Linzi
1C - Ben
1D - Alona