Assistant Principal News

Final greetings for 2024


As we approach the end of 2024, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the wonderful achievements of our students throughout the year. Our school community has had an exceptional year, filled with exciting experiences and opportunities for growth. From the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 camps to the many sporting events like the Swimming Carnival, Athletics Carnival, and Gala Days, our students have embraced everything with enthusiasm and dedication. The Undoukai, The Amazing Art Show, Y2 Sleep Over and Breakfast, and the Year 6 Graduation were also fantastic highlights, showcasing the talents and hard work of our students. One of the most special moments was the Japan Trip, which allowed our students to immerse themselves in a new culture and represent our school in an international setting.2024年度もあっという間に終わりを迎えました。様々なイベント、学習を通して、生徒達は今年もまた大きく成長しました。イベントを振り返ってみると、3・4年生、5・6年生のキャンプ、水泳カーニバルやアスレチックカーニバルなどのスポーツ系イベントなどに生徒達は全力を尽くして参加しました。また、運動会、アメージング・アートショウ、2年生のお泊まり会なども今年度の大きな行事でした。6年生の生徒達にとっては、日本旅行も大変思い出に残るイベントとなったことでしょう。


A huge congratulations goes to our Prep students, who are completing their very first year at CPS. They have achieved so much, from learning to read and write to picking up a second language in Japanese. They've embraced school routines, developed an understanding of the importance of following rules, and developed friendships with both their peers. It’s been a joy to watch them grow and thrive this year. Well done, Preps! プレップの生徒達はCPSでの一年目を修了しました。読み書きの勉強や日本語のレッスンなどでたくさん学習しましたね。学校での習慣やルールを守ることの大切さも学び、お友達もたくさんできましたね。プレップのみんな、よくがんばりました!


I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our parents, whose support has been invaluable. Whether it was assisting with school events, participating in the working bee, or volunteering in classrooms, your involvement makes a big difference in our school community. A special shout-out to our Parents and Friends Club for their hard work organizing fundraising events, which helped raise funds for our school. Your efforts are truly appreciated. また、今年度も学校のサポートをしてくださった保護者の皆様にも感謝申し上げます。イベントやワーキングビー、また教室でのボランティア活動などを通して、たくさんの保護者の方々が本校の発展に携わってくださいました。本当にありがとうございます。また、Parents and Friends Clubを通して、イベントを企画・運営してくださった保護者の皆様、本当にありがとうございました。


Finally, I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to our incredible staff members. Thank you for not only teaching and caring for our students in the classroom but also for everything that goes on behind the scenes. From planning and organizing events to supporting each other and ensuring the smooth running of the school, your dedication and hard work make all the difference. I am truly grateful for your passion and commitment to our students and our school. 最後に、CPSのスタッフ、本当にお疲れ様でした。教室内でのレッスンや指導だけではなく、授業やイベントの計画や準備など、見えないところでのお仕事もたくさんありました。CPSの生徒達に素晴らしい機会を与え、生徒達のために頑張ってくれるスタッフに感謝しております。


To all of our families and staff, I wish you a safe and happy holiday season. May you enjoy a well-deserved break and spend time making special memories with your loved ones. I look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year for another fantastic chapter in the journey of our school community. CPSコミュニティ全ての方々に、安全で楽しいホリデーをお祈り致します。また来年皆様に会えることを楽しみにしています。それでは、良いお年をお迎えくださいませ。




Until next newsletter,

Miharu Morioka