Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Christmas traditions; As a family speak about what Christmas traditions you have. Perhaps you can start a tradition together.
Year 5 shirts and jumpers for 2025: The Year 6 t-shirt for 2025 has been finalised and it is time to start ordering. We have sample t-shirt and jumper sizing in the Year 5/6 breakout space for parents to come and choose with their child. Please fill out the order form slip with the size/s you would like and how many you would like to order. The cost of the t-shirt is $55 and the cost of the jumper is $68. This will be added to your Term 1 fees. Please note that the jumper is optional.
Year 6 transition seminar:
Please read below the note from Joel Schiller, our GGLPS Chaplain regarding the transition seminar.
Our year 6 students are soon about to make the transition from Primary School to High School. For some students at the thought of this they are filled with excitement, anticipation, or even anxiety. The fears and worries students have about this change range from increased workload, new teachers, making friends, meeting new people, and getting lost. All valid concerns, but this workshop aims to build resilience in the face of new challenges.
The free seminar is run by Life Matters, who operate through Schools Ministry Group (SMG), and will be held on Monday morning of week 9 (December 9) as part of the move up morning, running for 90 minutes. The three major themes covered in this session are: Change, Challenge, and Choice.
Students will work through a transition workbook which they keep and refer back to as they make the transition. Exploring topics such as: understanding and coping with change, having resilience in challenges, making positive choices, and having a growth mindset.
You may like to discuss your child’s thoughts and feelings around transition and discuss what they learnt from the seminar once we have it.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me,
School reports:
Please be aware that school reports will be emailed out to parents on Friday afternoon. We ask that you take the time to read these with your child and discuss them. It has been an incredible year of learning and we value each and every student.
Move up morning:
Students will be transitioning into their new classes Monday morning until recess. All teachers have spent a considerable amount of time working out the best placement for your child. This is a terrific opportunity to begin to form new friendships and new opportunities. We ask that you take the time over the weekend to speak with your child about what to look forward to with their new class.
P & F Fun Day
On Tuesday, the P & F have organised a fun day for the students. This involves spending time on the inflatables, having a sausage sizzle lunch and a special guest in the afternoon. This is a free event and students can wear casual clothes. For students to participate on the inflatables, they must be wearing closed toe shoes (sneakers).
Closing service and last day:
This year our closing service will be held at 9:15am on Wednesday 11th December. We invite you to join us for this event. School finishes at normal time on this day.
Year 6 Graduation Service is on Wednesday, December 11th beginning at 7pm and we look forward to celebrating with the Year 6s and their families. Students need to be dressed in formal school uniform, including shoes.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow