From the School Leadership Team

Christmas Concert 

Thank you to all involved in our Christmas Concert last Friday. It was an amazing night with the children performing their items so beautifully. We are really thankful to our staff team for all of their work with the children to put on such a wonderful event. We also appreciate the support of our families - it was such a joy to see the Worship Centre full to overflowing for a superb concert. Equally it was a wonderful joy to see so many of our school families enjoying each other's company in the courtyard, mingling, chatting and laughing! It was a tangible reminder of the joy of our community and the great things that make Golden Grove Lutheran a special place indeed! Particular thanks to Lauren Neumann and Naomi ALi for all of their organisation of the evening and preparation of music groups. 


Upcoming Events

There are a number of events coming up over the next few weeks that it is helpful to have listed for your convenience.


•    Friday 6 December - Official Opening of New Buildings - 9.15am - Worship Centre

•    Friday 6 December - Volunteer Thank You Afternoon Tea (2.30pm - 3.00pm) in Cafe Connect

•    Monday 9 December - Move Up Morning and Foundation - Year 6 Orientation Day for 2025

•    Tuesday 10 December - P & F Fun Day (casual clothes day, includes sausage sizzle lunch) 

•    Wednesday 11 December - Closing Service (9.15am in the Worship Centre) and Year 6 Graduation Service (7.00pm in the Worship Centre). 


Official Opening of New Buildings 

The official opening of our new Foundation Centre will take place next Friday 6 December at 9.15am in the Worship Centre. Whilst the Official Opening will be in lieu of Chapel that day, however the format will be similar to our weekly Chapel services. It will be a wonderful opportunity to give thanks for the blessing of the new facilities which our children and staff team are enjoying immensely. Families are most welcome to join us for this exciting milestone in the life of our school. 


Thanksgiving and Graduation Services

We will take the opportunity to give thanks for the year as a school community during our Thanksgiving Closing Service on Wednesday 11 December, commencing at 9.15am in the Worship Centre. 


Several awards will be presented during the Closing Service along with the announcement of student leadership positions. 


The Year 6 Graduation Service on Wednesday 11 December at 7:00 pm will then conclude the day. This is an event for the year 6 students and their families - and extended family and friends are most welcome to attend. The Year 4 - 6 Choir are also asked to attend the Year 6 Graduation Service and choir families are also most welcome to attend. 


Will Wallace 
