Wellbeing & Culture
Welcome back to all our existing students and families and a big welcome to all our new families joining us for 2025.
2025 is going to be an exciting year, with lots of fun planned already for the new year.
Keep an eye on our Newsletter for weekly updates, events, and helpful tips. We have an open door policy as well, so please feel free to knock on our door and introduce yourselves to the Wellbeing team.
I do want to touch on the fact that returning/starting to school can be a stressful time for some students. Sometimes students can get a bit teary and upset when they separate at school time from their family. I encourage anyone concerned to speak to their teachers and let them know that your child is struggling. Between your teacher and yourself, you can come up with a plan that will
work for you. Alternatively feel free to email either Cheyenne Yates at Cheyenne.Yates@education.vic.gov.au or Kelly Goodgame at Kelly.goodgame@education.vic.gov.au and we can help talk to you if it's an ongoing issue that you are concerned about.
I have attached a few helpful links for you to read.
Manage first day separation anxiety
Kelly Goodgame – On behalf of the Wellbeing and Culture Team