Principal's Report

Dear families,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you back to St Brigid’s College for 2025. I surprised myself a few days ago when I started the first staff meeting by announcing that this was the start of my fifth year here at St Brigid’s. Without a doubt, as we begin this year, I note that it is the most settled and well-prepared beginning to an academic year that we have had in my time. With a full staffing complement, growing enrolments and the exciting redevelopment of our student facilities, there is a lot to look forward to in 2025.


I would like to welcome our new staff Louise Hobbs, Holly Ruwoldt, Carly Mitchell, all experienced teachers, and Brock Summerhayes as a new Learning Support Officer. I would also like to welcome back from leave Ebony Hobbs and Tamieka Rudolph.  


This year, Pope Francis has designated 2025 as the Jubilee Year of Hope. This will be our theme for the year. This morning in homeroom, students have been asked to write down their hopes for this year. Perhaps, as you are reading this, you could ask your son or daughter what they are hoping for in 2025. Maybe you too may reflect on what your hopes are for the year. My hope for this community in 2025 is that we live the College values of respect, inclusion, forgiveness and welcome as we navigate the unexpected happenings that no doubt awaits us. 


Hope is such an important value to embrace. This week in the media, the world celebrated the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp. Some of the remaining survivors expressed that the one thing that allowed them to endure the horror of their existence was hope; hope of an end to the mayhem. No doubt there are too many people in the world today that have similar hopes as they endure man made degradation and terror. In our community here in the Wimmera, we can hope for a better world, however we also need to take some level of action if we wish to see change. 


It is with sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Jason O’Connell, Makaira’s (Yr9) father, after a long illness. Please keep Makaira and her family in your prayers. 


Tomorrow, 1st February is the Feast Day of St Brigid. Today at school, after our opening assembly, the whole school celebrated by forming a human Brigidine cross on the oval for an aerial photo. St Brigid is surrounded by ancient Celtic myth and tradition, however one trait that is consistently recalled is that St Brigid cared for the marginalised and downtrodden. I HOPE you have a great Feast Day tomorrow and a rewarding weekend.  


Stay safe,


Gerard Raven