2025 Reporting Information

In response to feedback from Parents & Carers, Staff & Students, via department surveys and focus groups/discussions with school council, Parents Association, staff and student forums, we determined that the needs of each stakeholder were:
Parents/Carers: Requested improved consistency with grading elements and timing of reports being reports being published. As well as additional opportunities to receive feedback directly from teachers.
Students: Accessibility of information, easy to read and understand. The introduction of a reflection process to ensure further discussion regarding teacher feedback and student agency around their learning.
Staff: Streamlined processes for imputing reporting and better communication and timelines to ensure reporting has a greater impact on student outcomes and learning behaviours.
From January 2025 you will receive feedback on your child’s progress in the following ways:
Continuous reporting - All students
Purpose: Feedback on academic achievement
Timeline: Within 3 weeks of assessment (2-3 CATs per semester per subject) Accessed: via Learning Tasks tab on COMPASS
- 7-10 Achievement Level (Expected standard levels)
- 11-12 VCE Outcome (%)
- Teacher feedback comment
Progress reporting - All students (NEW in 2025)
Purpose: Feedback on learning behaviours (6Ps – Parkdale Principles) Timeline: Week 5/6 of each Term
Accessed: via Reporting tab on COMPASS Includes:
- Performance grade against each Parkdale Principle per subject.
- Presented in both graph and matrix format.
- Visible for year to allow tracking of progress.
- Grade point average scores (GPAs) derived to help identify areas for improvement or growth. What you will see on COMPASS
Semester Reporting
Purpose: Summary document of reporting throughout semester. Can be downloaded and saved.
Timeline: Semester 1 - Last week Term 2
Semester 2 – Last week of classes Term 4 Accessed: via Reports tab on COMPASS
New information
- Victorian Curriculum Levels for each subject
- VCE Unit results (S/N)
- Year 10 & 11 Exam Scores (%)
- Year 11 Parkdale Study Score (/50)
Information drawn from Continuous and Progress reporting throughout semester.
- CAT Achievement Level
- SAC/SAT/ % grade
- Parkdale Principles (6Ps) graphs
Parent Teacher Interviews:
Purpose: Direct feedback with subject teachers
Timeline: Term 2 – Week 2 – All students
Term 3 – Week 6 (NEW in 2025) – Year 7-11(Yr 12 interview structure TBC) Accessed: Booked via COMPASS
- 1-4pm – WebEx interviews
4-8pm – Onsite interviews
- Parents can book a 5-minute interview with child’s teacher
- Students are expected to attend interviews with parents
- Teacher may request an interview with a parent/carer and student
Parkdale Principles (6Ps) demonstrated at each level