VCE Vocational Major

Year 11 VCE Vocational Major Expo Day
On the 29th October, the Year 11 VCE Vocational Major students ran their VCE Vocational Major Student Expo. The students had created a display highlighting the work they had completed over the year in all of their subjects, at their work placement and TAFE experience. The students did a fantastic job at setting up their displays and interacting with the classes and staff who came to look at their work, well done!
Construction Induction Card (CIC/White Card) Certificate:
The CIC/White Card training was held on Friday 29th November. Any students in Year 11 or 12 VCE VM, who had not already completed this certificate, were invited to attend and complete this certificate. Many of the students will require this qualification to work on a construction site. It also can be used to add to the students VET hours to go towards their VCE VM certificate.
Well done to all the students who attended and completed the certificate.
Year 12 VCE VM ‘Melbourne Zoo’ Community Project Excursion
As a part of the students’ subject requirements for Personal Development Skills, the students went to the Zoo to collect evidence about the conservation projects the Zoo promotes. This information will then be used to design a mini community project back in the classroom.
It was a particularly hot and humid day, but the students were organised and very excited to see all the amazing animals at the Zoo.
Year 11 VCE VM ‘Melbourne Unlocked’
As part of the VCE-VM students’ transition into Year 11 VCE-VM, a number of team and skill building activities were held.
One of these activities, was the ‘Melbourne Unlocked’ City Excursion. The students had to independently make their way into the city and find clues as a team at prominent sites around Melbourne. All the staff on the excursion commented on how well all the students took part and showed leadership and organisational skills. Hopefully the activity introduced them a little more to our wonderful city of Melbourne. We look forward to running more of these events in the future.
Year 10 Vocational Class - ‘Chisholm TAFE Visit’
On the 27th November, the Year 10 Vocational Class participated in an orientation program at Chisholm TAFE. This enabled the students to familiarize themselves with a TAFE setting and give them a taste of what is to come when they start their own TAFE journey.
The representative from Chisholm TAFE commented that this group of students was one of the best that they had had visit. The staff attending the excursion also said that the students were fantastic representatives of Parkdale. Well done to all the students who attended.
Return to school dates for 2025:
- Year 10 students return to school on Thursday the 30th January.
- Year 12 VCE VM students return to school on Thursday the 30th January. The students are not required at school on Friday 31st January. Use this time to finalise work placement.
- Year 11 VCE VM students return to school on Friday 31st January. The students are not required at school on Thursday 30th January. Use this time to finalise work placement.
I wish you all a wonderful and safe break and look forward to working with everyone in 2025.
Kerri Fulton
Vocational Coordinator