Health Updates

Important messages – St John's Footscray

Medication Authority

Please see attachment below for our policy for administering medication. This can also be found on our school website with all out other policies. I have also include the required procedures for administering medication and the required authority form parents are required to complete. 

Key points:

  • Parents / guardians / carers are responsible for providing a Medication Authority Form (MAF) to the school containing the medication/s to be administered, and the medication requirements (dosage, method of administration, frequency, times of day, storage) at the time of enrolment or when notified of the required administration of medication in the school environment.
  • School staff will refer to written permission and guidance about the administration of all medication within the school environment and during school activities (over the counter or prescription) via the MAF, signed by the parent / guardian / carer, and where required, also by a medical/health practitioner. This includes when students are required to be administered medication on camps or excursions, or events outside of school.
  • Parents / guardians / carers are required to provide this information as needed, prior to camps and excursions, and if the child’s medical condition changes, requiring a change to medication.
  • Parents / guardians / carers are required to provide the school with the medication in its original packaging, with the expiry, with the name of the student (for prescription medication) and outlines instructions for administration/application of the medication, as well as relevant storage instructions, particularly regarding temperature.
  • The school is responsible for administering the medication in accordance with the MAF for the student.
  • No over the counter or prescribed medication is to be administered beyond the instructions on the original packaging unless written recommendation is provided by an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist

COVID-19 Updates

COVIDSafe measures have changed, but schools are required to continue to implement important practices to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

  • Schools must continue to ensure air purifiers are used
  • External ventilation is maximised
  • Good personal hygiene is encouraged
  • Face masks are made available for staff, students and visitors who wish to wear them.

It is recommended that rapid antigen tests (RATs) are used by students and staff if they: 

  • have symptoms of COVID-19 infection, no matter how mild
  • are a household or close contact of someone who has COVID-19
  • are a social contact of someone who has COVID-19. 


Additional Information 

  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you should isolate until you don't have any symptoms.
  • You can buy Rapid Antigen Tests at supermarkets, pharmacies, and other retailers. Please plan ahead by keeping some kits at home for testing if you have COVID-19 symptoms.
  • If you want a PCR test, visit a GP respiratory clinic or see a GP about a referral to a pathology collection centre.
  • Further information can be found on the Coronavirus Victoria website.

Principals are no longer required to inform their school community of a positive case associated with the school. However we will continue to inform the community if we are seeing a rise in numbers.


Schools are no longer required to report COVID-19 case numbers to Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).