What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | Marco - For the effort you are putting into improving your handwriting. You are using the dotted third lines to help with the formation and placement of your letters. Magnificent Marco! |
FAM | Maybelle - For being a responsible and respectful member of Foundation AM and always following the Agreed Ways. Marvellous Maybelle! |
1/2VS | Amazing students of 1/2VS - For always trying your best, no matter how challenging something might be. You all show courage, persistence and determination. I am super proud of you all! |
1/2VK | Anthony - For being a persistent and determined reader. Your reading this week blew me away. Keep it up, Awesome Anthony! |
1/2VB | Sascha - For always approaching challenges in her learning with determination and a bright smile on her face. You’re shooting for the stars, Sascha! |
3/4BP | Hannah - For being the most considerate and caring member of our class. You make sure everyone is feeling included. Helpful Hannah! |
3/4SH | Isaac S - For his determination on the field, his efforts supporting his peers, and his positive attitude. Keep up the great work, Isaac! Skyler - For his stellar sportsmanship, kindness, and ability to bring everyone together. You’re a true team player, well done, Skyler! |
5/6OS | Olivia - For demonstrating excellent public speaking skills during our debating day and being an enthusiastic member of her team at Maths Games day. You are a Superstar! |
5/6BZ | Gemma - For your amazing collaboration with your team during our Maths Games Day. Gorgeous Gemma! |
5/6MC | Christian - For your engagement in our Maths Games Day. You showed us your exceptional teamwork skills and how you make every move COUNT (get it?). Well done Christian! |
It’s almost the end of the year but there’s still so much learning happening in Foundation!
This week we finally had our much anticipated Sports Day, but in a modified format. We were dressed in yellow, green, red and blue and there were smiles and laughter as we competed to see who had the longest jump! We showed amazing sportsmanship! This week we will continue the rest of the activities…fingers crossed we get a lovely day.
As writers, we tuned in to letter writing. We read a range of different picture story books, such as ‘Dear Mr Blueberry’ and ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’, and explored the features of letters, such as a greeting, questions, information or a message, and a sign off. We collaborated to write a letter to a ‘new student’ as a class, making sure we included all of the different features. We then had a go at writing our own letter. This week we will begin writing letters to give to our new teachers when we meet them, as well as thank you letters to our buddies.
As people of faith, we tuned in to Advent. Advent is an important season in the Catholic Church, a time of waiting and anticipation as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, the day Jesus came into the world. As thinkers, we viewed a range of different images connected to the time of Advent, and engaged in a See-Think-Wonder. We unpacked the symbolism of the wreath and the four candles which represent Peace, Hope, Love and Joy. This week we will explore the scripture stories of the birth of Jesus and make connections to what Advent means for us.
This week we also have our much anticipated Maths Games Day on Wednesday. We can’t wait! If you can help out on the day, please fill out the note sent home or email your child’s teacher.
There will be no more borrowing from the library for the remainder of the year as we take stock of our resources. We kindly ask that all library books are returned, if you have not already done so. Levelled texts will continue to be sent home until the end of this week. They will no longer be sent home as of Monday, 9th December. In the meantime, you might like to access Sunshine Online and we strongly encourage you to visit your local library over the break.
Username: Stfidelis Password: Read123
A reminder that we have our Christmas Carols and Christmas Picnic on Thursday 12th December.
Enjoy the week ahead!
Leanne Wenckoswki and Alycia Marsico,
Foundation Team
As we approach the end of the term, we have begun to reflect on the amazing year we have had. However, the excitement for Advent and Christmas is truly upon us. Among the preparing for our Carols night and learning about the season of Advent, our work ethic is continuing strong.
As readers and writers, we have revisited the ow digraph, which can make four different sounds. These sounds are found in many high-frequency words that are used every day. Have a look at the lists below:
As members of a faith community, we have started to learn about the Season of Advent. We tuned in by exploring the etymology of the word "Advent" and discovered that it comes from the Latin word "adventus," which means "coming." This helps us understand that the season of Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation for the arrival of Jesus.
The first week of Advent focuses on the theme of Hope. We also examined the symbolism found in Advent wreaths, noting that their circular shape represents God's eternal love for all. In assembly, 1/2VS centred their presentation on Hope and lit the first violet candle. This candle symbolizes hope and the anticipation of Christ's coming, reminding us of the prophecies about the Messiah and the hope He brings to the world. Congratulations to the students in 1/2VS who were reverent and read eloquently.
As mathematicians, we are beginning to explore the concept of mass. We will have the opportunity to use scales to weigh and compare the mass of different objects. As thinkers, we will estimate before we measure and share our observations with others. Leonie, please add Maths Photos
On Tuesday, we will be celebrating our wonderful teacher Mrs Boggis’ birthday. We look forward to another week ahead full of learning and wonder. 1/2 TeamVania Sparano, Vicky Karalis, Vivian Boggis and Sebastian Frazzetto.
As learners, we engaged in a First Aid in Schools Program facilitated by Samantha from St John Ambulance Victoria. Samantha taught us the importance of providing first aid to people in need by following DRSABCD.
Send for help
In pairs, we practised placing our partner in the recovery position by following simple steps from Samantha. We learnt the importance of calling 000 when in an emergency situation.
From this insightful incursion, we decided to promote first aid messages in our school community. Check out our posters!
As inquirers, we have been finding out about the different spheres of Health and some examples of each. Take a look at our learning to see what we consider Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual health is and ways we can engage in each type of health.
As athletes, we finally participated in our Sports Day (after numerous days of Melbourne rain!!!!). We engaged in running, discus, relay races, and tunnel ball. Thank you Mr Jennings for all your hard work! We are looking forward to finding out the winning team this week!
Have a lovely week!
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
On Monday, the year 5/6 students engaged in the St Johns Ambulance First Aid Incursion. Throughout this session the students were introduced to DRSABCD - the acronym used to support us during emergency situations. The classes engaged in a quiz involving when and why we provide First Aid and how they can help to save lives. They then had the opportunity to practice some CPR on dummies. We are very grateful to have had this learning experience as we feel it is a vital skill the students are aware of and feel empowered to help others in need.
Last Tuesday we had an action packed day! The morning began with a Buddy Mass where we were introduced to one of our new parish Priests, Father Brendan. After this the students were split into teams of 4 to begin our Maths Games Day. The first session involved lots of physical maths based activities from capacity, time, place value and shape the students moved and grooved to earn points for their teams.
The second session was all about strategy! Teams were paired up to compete in 1v1 board games all based on strategy and problem solving. The fierce competitiveness of our students were on show as they battled it out to become champions.
Our Final session consisted of solving various tricky worded problems as a team in a last ditch effort to score big points to add to their teams total. Overall we had an absolutely wonderful day and are so proud of each of our teams for their efforts and persistence.
Congratulations to Amelia, Jack, Mia and Lennix who were our Maths Games Day winners for 2024. A HUGE thank you to Mrs Monaghan for all her preparation and support in running this day for us, we are so lucky to have a Mathematics Genius in our midst!
Congratulations to our Year 5 students who presented their speeches for their leadership roles in 2025.
We have been starting to begin our songs for carols, it would be great for students to practise and recall the lyrics at home to prepare us for this event.
Deck the Rooftop - Glee Version and Joy to the World
Important Dates:
- 2/11/24 - Year 5 Leadership Speeches
- 3/11/24 - Engineering Without Borders Incursion
- 6/12/24- Year 6 Graduation Night
- 11/12/24- Year 6 End of Year Excursion
- 12/12/24- Family Xmas Carols
Have a wonderful week,
5/6 Team
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut