Noticeboard and Important Dates

Important Dates
Friday 6 September- PJ party and movie afternoon
Tuesday 10 September - CNPS Art Show 5.30-7pm (5-5.30pm low sensory)
Thursday 12 September - RUOK? Day
Friday 20 September - Last day of term 3 (2.30pm finish)
Monday 7 October - Curriculum Day
Tuesday 8 October - First day of Term 4!
Our Cleaner, Fowzia is TradeFlex Employee of the Month. Congratulations Fowzia!
SRC News
After such an amazing display of positive behaviour and modelling our school values, CNPS students collected over 800 tokens to win two whole school rewards!
Tomorrrow we will have our PJ Party and Movie Afternoon reward.
The following week on Friday 13th September we will have our Students are the Teachers Day reward.
Art Show Info
Every student has 3-4 artworks in the exhibition. Please feel free to bring along grandparents, friends and neighbours!
Gold coin donations at the gate would be appreciated if you’re able to do so.
Tuesday 10 September 5.30pm - 7pm
- There will be live music, as well as snacks and beverages available for purchase in the Foyer.
- There will be several prizes (Yochi and Yumbos!) for students chosen by classroom teachers, leadership, the office staff and the amazing Sarah Kelk.
- All prizes will be awarded during Assembly.
- There will be a low sensory viewing of the exhibition for those who require a calmer and quieter environmentbetween 5:00pm and 5:30pm and the library will also be a chill out zone supervised for quiet reading.
Want to help out?
If you are able to help with the hanging of artwork on Fri 6th, Mon 9th or Tue 10th September please email Olivia ( with the date/time you’re available.
Same goes if you’re able to help with taking the artwork down during the days after the event.
Sign up to help with the food and drink stall at the Art Show! We need servers and washers.
Sign up here:
Thank you for your support 😀
Lost Property
The lost property is chock a block! Please come and have a look. There is also quite a bit in the basket near the rack. I will take whatever is left to the op shop at the end of the term. (except items with names on them!) Thanks.