Forest School

The weather in Middle Gully has been very changeable with the start of Spring and warmer temperatures. The wind has been especially challenging but we’ve managed with the help of our fabulous “Ewelsy’s Shed” for cover.
This week grade five and six students learned the technique for using soft garden prunings to make either a wreath or rustic bent-twig garden edging.Many lovely creations were made.
Grade one and two students learned about What happens when plant “go to seed” and discovered that seed heads from kale can be eaten just like broccoli in a stir fry or salad etc.
Foundation students talked about the change of season and looked for evidence that were no longer in winter. We used the weeds we found to feed the chooks and collected the eggs which have started to be more prolific with the change of season.
Ginny Tulloch 😊
Forest School Specialist Teacher
Visual Art Specialist Teacher