Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at next weeks assembly, the 20th of September at 2.00pm - please note earlier time to be held in the JCB (John Curtin Building)
FSI - Sam H - for working hard with his independent writing.
1/2TT - Catherine P - for being a kind and caring friend.
1/2TT - Mia D - for working independently on writing her narrative.
1/2VW - Aston J - for her wonderful narrative on 'Simple Machines'.
2/3BM- Mila D - for all her excellent work setting up for the science expo.
2/3BM - Isabelle C - for all her amazing work setting up for the science expo.
5/6AB - Alex W - for always completing work to an excellent standard.
5/6AB - Daniel R - for excellent organisation during project time.
5/6GP - Isaac C - for working well within his team to complete his cooking project.
Got Ya Awards
Margot C – Curtin – for being a kind friend.
Miller S – Mitchell – for being ready for learning.
Pippa B – Curtin – for helping with the computers.
Jack C – Bourke – for being ready for learning.
Peter H – Bourke – for showing the 5.
Isla F-S – Mitchell – for helping with the recycling bins.
Mini lit awards
Well done to the following students on their perseverance and dedication to complete their learning in Mini Lit.
Matthew H
Sophie G
Ellie D